
Step daughter is abusive?

by  |  earlier

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SHe is almost 18. I have been married 2 her dad since she was 12. She calls and cusses us out. She was close to my daughter and they were best friends/sisters...that kind of thing...she said to my daughter if you do not hate or hurt your mom i will hurt you you bitc$. my daughter said to her in a text why are u so mean? she said do what i tell you or u will go against me! got it! so now my daughter who is supposably her bestie is feeling confused. she left nasty texts to me and my hubby and my daughter and threats to our lives. what to do?




  1. This is a very complex problem with no easy solution. You should see if you can go to family counseling, with the 4 of you together, talking.  

  2. move to guam?

  3. Tell  her that that is not the way you raised her.

  4. uh! police maybe!? take her to court!?

    foster care... poilce prolly.

  5. competition destroys friendships and relationships.

  6. im sorry but get her some help! my aunt is a counselor and she has dealed with cases much like yours, and the familys have been better off after counselling. I think personally somethings bothering her. There HAS to be something that is bugging her that is causing her to react this way. Sit her down and TALK with her and ask if anything has been bothering lately, Youll be surprised to learn how much is going on in their lives if you just listen. If things dont get better I suggest getting some professional help, and im not saying that to be mean.

  7. she should have gotten more diclipline  and a good spanking before  

  8. Kick her out.  Usually at 17 they can move out on there own.  But, If she is being threatening its not safe for her to be there with you.  Also, if you don't want to be as harsh as to kick her out try putting her in a treatment center where they council kids.

  9. Beat her tail

    All of you can beat her

    Tell The Cops or something maybe they can do something about the threats

  10. send her to boot camp or something--she's got problems

  11. i think you have to work out WHY she is doing this. ... what motive does she have? what reasons???

    perhaps she is mentally unbalanced.

    I think it is time for her daughter to tell her that she is loyal to her mother, not to her.

    i also think you should force this girl to see a psychologist and a councillor before she turns 18. THen you really cant do anything except throw her out!!!!!!

    what does your husband think of this???

    i also think you should get a policeman to ring her up and explain to her that threats like that are unacceptable and unlawful.

    good luck! get her under control - but more importantly, find out why she is acting like this.. there could be a sinister reason. was she abused as a child? this behaviour is very strange.  

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