
Step father trouble?????

by  |  earlier

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Our stepdad is mean a couple of minutes ago my little 6 year old sister tripped on a pillow and hit her head on a desk. My step dad was watching and thought my other little 11 year old sister tripped her. He got very angry and picked her up by her arm and dropped her on the stairs. When she started crying he got even more angry and picked her up by her chest again throwing her on her bed. The sister that was even told him she tripped herself but he would not listen and said he saw her. I heard her crying and saying she could not breathe. I went down there her told me to leave. I kept glaring at him but left. He's been very hot tempered lately. what should I do? And no called the police or anything I won't do it!!!!!!!!




  1. if you realy cared about your dsisters u wouldnt did something they look up to u and u dissapointed them. if he does it once he will do it gain

  2. sorry but if this really happened then y didnt someone call 911 and get your sister help...where was your mother...

    it is not right to make up stories about abuse...

  3. maybe he was having a bad day. why dont he ask the 6 year old if its really the 11 yr old tripped her. u, urself, should try to stop him too. make him calm down.  

  4. sorry but you need to call the police what if he had seriously hurt your sister, given her permanent damage or even killed her. Then how would you feel? Having a short fuse is no excuse for doing that to someone. Anyway where was your Mum in all this? If your stepfather's temper is really that short imagine what he would do in a slightly worse situation say if your sister had gotten a nose bleed or a tooth knocked out. You or your sisters shouldn't be subjected to that.  

  5. You should talk to your mom about this.  For what ever reason, your step-dad is not in good control of his emotions right now and shouldn't be trying to discipline children.  Your mom could talk to him and get him to open up about what is bothering him.  You could also lovingly let him know that how he handled the situation really scared you and your sister.  Tell him you know he is not usually like this and are concerned about him and his new hot temper.

    I have included a link about Family Counseling.  I hope it helps.

    Good Luck to you all!

  6. He's out of control, and needs to be stopped. You have to be strong, and think of your sisters who are small and can't help themselves. You have to tell someone who can help. I'll say a prayer for you. Be brave. You can do it.

  7. you guys need to get out of there, he sounds really dangerous. either go to a run away house or if at all possible live w/ an other friend or family member (grandparent, father, aunt, uncle, ect.)

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