It's about money...the number one reason why couples split up. She has been paying for all of the bills, all payments, the down payment for the house, groceries, absolutely everything. My dad has been in debt since his last marriage, which was 10 years ago and he doesn't make enough money to make the payments. My step mom got money from her recent divorce and that money has all ran out so she's now in debt from him. I don't know what to do and I just moved here from across the country, I've been here for 5 days and now this is happening. She can't divorce or leave because her name is on my dad's credit cards since he has bad credit, so he can get a lower interest rate, and since she paid for the down payment on the house, 80,000 dollars, she can't just leave. She'd lose all that money and have nothing to her name. This is so awful and my dad is being very selfish. I don't know what to do. I was thinking of buying a plane ticket to back where I was living before since I have friends out there, a school I can go back to, and I can stay with my grandmother again. I just want to know what you think. Thanks in advance.