
Step-parent adoption?

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Has anyone dealt with step parent adoption in NC? My husband wants to adopt my daughter.

1.Her biological sperm-donor has no parental rights. The judge took away his parental rights two years ago because of non-payment of child support, neglect of parental relationship and suspected prior physical abuse.

2. Her last name was already changed to match ours when the revocation of parental rights was put through. She has no idea or memory of ever having another father.

3. We are legal residents of NC but are living in Germany on an Army post. Would home visits be required? Do we need to show up in court or could a lawyer handle it without us having to fly home?

Thoughts, comments, advice and personal experiences are appreciated.




  1. I know exactly what your talking about. You can actually go on line and print out the paperwork to adopt her. NC has a self help web site to do all of it on your own with out an attorney. We are doing it that way for custody of my step daughter and I saw this on their site too. I don't think in this case you have to do anything like a regular adoption. This should be much easier. I listed the web site below good luck

  2. I am not sure on NC ways of doing things. But I am in Texas and our situtation was very similar to yours. Rights terminated, but they did ours with the adoption. We did have to go through a "social study" where they came out and talked to us, made sure we had clothes, toys, bed, and everything for my son, and to make sure my husband was on the level. It took about 1 hour to do it.

    maybe you can find out the rule on that and see if they will allow someone there to see your home on base and talk to you and if cleared go ahead with it. Do you have a lawyer processing your adoption paperwork? Maybe the lawyer can file a motion for you while your away to let that part slide.
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