
Stepdaughter just turned 11 and is wearing a padded underwire bra, is this appropriate?

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She is a very small A and I am just not sure that at 11 she should be wearing a PADDED underwire bra yet. I mean us women wear then to "enhance" what we have and I don't feel comfortable with the idea that way older boys may check her out and get the wrong idea? What are some other opinions out there? And fathers, would you let your little girl wear this yet so young? Thank you




  1. Yeah, I don't think this is a good idea either but I can see how it might be a difficult situation to handle. Is it her mother that is buying them for her? You should explain to step daughter the dangers of sexualizing herself so young and the people that would exploit her and how they try. She's obviously showing interest in s*x of some form - she's trying to use it to gain something, but what? Ultimately if her mom thinks its ok, you have to respect that. I wouldn't fight over it though. I would just voice my disapproval and why's.  

  2. its perfectly normal for this and maby many of her friends have started to wear this clothing and she didnt want to feel left out

  3. no just tell her she doesn't need it. She will go through her pubesent stages of life still and they will grow. Let her know that giving someone the wrong impression can be a very bad thing sometimes. If a friend finds out about it they may have a chance to embarass her by telling everyone she is sorta stuffing her bra. If she thinks it is silly and not worthwhile then she will not want to wear it. To me it sounds like she is trying to impress the boys and get some extra attention. Let her know also that a boy should like you for more attributes than her body curves. A true boyfriend will love you for who you are and not care if you have the biggest chest in the fifth grade!!! lol kidz!! shheeezzh

  4. It is innappropriate.  You should crack down on it now while she's young.

  5. omg, not! this is not appropriate,. unless shes got a saggy b***s, i doubt it not in 11 years of age,.

  6. well, somebody must have bought it for her. if it was you, well its your thing, don't post about it here, if it was her father [which i sort of doubt] shes his child. ask him what he thinks.

  7. yeah i think it is a little too young. but if she is unfortanable then i guess who cares.

  8. please, please don't worry. Let her wear it. I remember in jr. high, people used to get picked on for having pointy b***s. And I would always wear baggy clothes because I wasn't comfortable with the way my b***s looked in the stupid sports bras my mom would buy me. Trust me, it's hard enough struggling with a new body image at that age. I look back and I wish my mom would have bought me bras with padding and underwire. It gives b***s a more normal shape. I would have felt more confident about myself. I am 23 now, and I was just thinking about that yesterday, because I was going to a picnic and I was gonna see there a girl I knew in 7th grade, who people used to call pointy b***s. and I thought, I wish more moms would buy their daughters bras with a little padding. Please ******* relax!  

  9. ok its ok i did it and my little sis does it she 11 im 13 and and it helps so that when she grows in to it she will be used to them i mean when i startted i was a 32A and now im a 36B she will grow verry fast

  10. In my opinion No its not appropriate o.o''  

  11. In my opinion this is not approiate behavior at all. (fathers opinion)

  12. Well, this is a middle school age. She may not need to be wear a padded bra. And maybe not under wire for her size. But she is changing at her age and her wearing a bra might make her feel comfortable and mature.

  13. i think it is ok it may be more comfortable for her and about the boy if you are very worried about that do you think she would know what to do in a bad situation?

  14. Absolutely Not!!!

    She is far too young!!!

  15. Too young. The ideal age to start acting like a woman is around 14 or 15 in my opinion. She should be wearing a regular bra that 11 year old girls wear. Or used to wear...they're wearing some adult clothing these days aren't they?

  16. Unless she has abnormally size b*****s for her age

    it is totaly inapropriate for her to be wearing padding underwire bra

    theres only 1 way to brake it to her

    just tell her that she is to young and yet to mature to that age

  17. 11? Are you frickin serious?! I am 16 and have never worn a padded bra. She is child for god sake! Why should an 11 year old trying to look sexually attractive. That makes me want to vomit. Thanks for being concerned aout it.

  18. I don't think it is appropriate and is a result of the increasing sexualising of our young people by marketing companies

  19. Whats the big idea? Its just a bra thats padded. The world isnt gonna end and if she is smart she wont let boys do stupid things to her and if you really are a good parent then you'll keep an eye on her right? Have you checked shes comfortable with it? Does it giver her confidence? Make sure shes happy first before you make a move :]

  20. Slight padding isnt too bad, but if it's so much that it makes them noticeably, and abnormally huge for her size, then yes, she is too young to be doing it.

    But it is also understandable; funny, really. Maybe her friends are doing it... maybe not. Either way, you need to sit down with her and have a chat about what having b***s and displaying b***s means to guys... and that guys have a stronger s*x drive than girls, and so are always thinking about one thing. Let her know, that doing this - enhancing her breast - brings attention to them specifically, from not just guys her own age, but even some adults, and it isn't always the kind of attention she is after.

    This might make her sick, (as it does for most others, I'm sure), but this is the response you are looking for. Tell her to enjoy her childhood while it lasts, and try not to grow up too fast, as it is good to be a kid.

    Of course, while you are growing up, your sense of invulnerability would be kicking in, and she would think "Oh that could never happen to me". Not sure how to get around that one tho. I certainly wouldn't recommend lying to make it personal.. that can always be caught out, then she wont trust you for ANYTHING.

    Good luck.

  21. She's too young for this, but it's not that serious, the shops sell little else.This is an extension of the dressing up box at that age.

  22. nothing wrong with it.....i started wearing one at like ok...u just need to make sure u've had all the appropriate talks with her and help her make the right choices for herself .....

  23. she wants boys to ook at her, she wants some attention from her friends and all, that she is developing good and all

  24. well im only 14 to be speaking and i know what she feels like lol i am too very small and only a 32b.

    but every girl wants to know what its like maybe she just wants to know the difference and see what she would look like or feel , maybe she wants to feel better. you probably wont take this from a 14 year old though

  25. She has a self esteem problem and needs to have the "wrong" kind of attention explained to her.

  26. if shes a small A boys wont notice her b***s, u can only enhance what youv got xx

  27. If you feel she shouldn't then you might want to say something.

    But also, look at the other girls her age (do you notice them using mostly padded under wire bra's?) If so then you might not want to embarrass her by asking her not to, but maybe she can get less pad or lose the under wire and keep the padding.

    Or just talk to her about it. Even if your the stepmother! what you say should effect her also not just your kids(if you have any)

  28. She's to young to be doing this. Talk to her about it.

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