
Stepfather tried to call my psychiatrist?

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I moved out of my stepfathers and mothers house 6 months ago (couldn't get along with him to say the least). Well, I went over to their house to pick up some things of mine I forgot to get before I moved out and I accidently came across a piece of of paper my stepfather had written something down on; it had my psychiatrist's name and a few personal details about me and at the very bottom of the paper, he wrote down that I was a "classic paranoid schizophrenic." This bothered me and pis*ed me off. First, I am NOT any type of schizophrenic, but I do suffer from depression. I am 18 years old, almost 19. I asked my mother about the paper and she said that he was just calling to tell my psychiatrist I was disappointed with my last appointment, after that, she said he was put on hold and couldn''t talk to psychiatrist . Yes, I was disappointed with the appointment, but he has NO right to call my psychiatrist.I am 18 years old, not 10. The main thing that bothers me is the "paranoid schizophrenic" statement he wrote down. My question is, what was he really trying to do? He has threatened me in the past and doesn't like me at all. If I knew for a fact he DID talk too my psychiatrist, I would sue him. I know this is complicated but I would appreciate advice on this...Thank you.




  1. First - i would go with the paper to your psych.

    Ask him IF your stepfather did indeed call him - and ask him also where the paranoid etc. comes from.

    Since you indicate you don`t get along, it can be something to p**s you off, without him actually having called.

    It`s a type of thing little people do, sadly.

    Since you are old enough to move out, i`d say you did right there, to prevent escalations.

    But, before you go off - really - have a talk with the psych , and ask him what is going on.

    You know, maybe he called him, and the psych told him he`s paranoid schizophrenic ... (your stepfather, not the psych)

  2. ok alls i know is this too much to read,.,,,

    bottom line...if ur dads a d**k--get him back...period

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