
Stephanie meyer- her fans didnt put the copy up, someone she trusted put it up. why should we suffer?

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she trusted someone who apparently wasnt to be trusted. why should the much awaited book be terminated to the fans when we didnt do anything?




  1. .....because hses mad right now. give her time. she didn't completely cancel the book she is postponing.

  2. If shes upset the book wont be very good so, i agree she should postpone it. Not, not write it but wait a while.

    We still have the "The Twilight Saga: the official guide" to look forward too :)

  3. But we, the fans supported the twelve chapters being available. We read them and we never protested, we are just as much to blame as the person who posted it. And stephenie meyer is a person, she has rights which we have violated and she has feelings. She is ticked off right now and I think that is to be expected. We really should just give her her space and let her right when she is back in the right mood. And when she allows her characters to start speaking to her again and letting them tell her their story once more. That can't happen when she's so despaired.  

  4. grr im so mad about that.

    of course i feel bad for SM but she has no one to blame but herself. she shouldnt have given out maniscripts if she didnt want them leaked.

    after some ppl didnt like BD i think her fanbase is dwindling a little bit

  5. I assume you're talking about Midnight Sun as Breaking Dawn is already out. Wo would want to read it before it comes out? I mean what's the point, the whole thing isn't there? Stephanie Meyer obviously didn't know it's up so aren't her fans betraying trust? All the fans that read it are almost as much to blame as the person who put it up. Technically they're supporting the act.

    So yeh, the fans did do something. Not all the fans, but a lot of them I'm guessing.

  6. she's so selfish.  there are authors whos work has  been leaked and yet they continue to finish what they started.  as a writer she should at least know what direction to go and end.  its bull that she cant finish it.  all this motivation is gone from her? she should find motivation in finishing what she promised to her fans AND shes the one that gave those copies away.  so its HER fault and yet she blames her fans. stephenie, get over yourself.  OH..and shes so involve in other projects such as the movie and helping some band with their music video.  yeah..uh huh..shes so heartbroken, what a load of c**p!

  7. Here's the issue: she just can't write the book. Her motivation isn't there right now. If she continues to write at this time, the ending probably won't be satisfying. Writing is controlled by emotions, and now she's having issues with all the stress this has caused. In her state, it would do more harm to Midnight Sun to try to write. She does love her fans a lot, so in the end I'm guessing, in about a year or so at the most, she'll start writing again, because she should know of all people that you can't avoid the call of Twilight for very long. She just needs time for her wounds to heal. Eventually the fact that she knows she still has loyal fans will bring her back to Midnight Sun.

  8. Calm down. I'm not a Twilight fan, but I took the time to read the partial draft of Midnight Sun two nights ago. You can do the same thing, so exert a little gratitude that part of it's arrived ahead of schedule!

    Also, Stephenie Meyer *will* continue to write it. I have every confidence that she'll revive her interest in the project. She loves to write, she loves her characters, and she loves reiterating Bella and Edward's love. Believe me, she'll pick her pencil up again.

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