
Stephen King Books, Scariest, to least Scariest?

by Guest63003  |  earlier

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Can anyone rate Stephen King's books from scariest to least scariest?

I read Carrie and expected it to be scary, but honestly, I only found bits of paragraphs in the end a bit disturbing, but that's it!

Everyone told me it's scary and such, so anyway, ratings plz?




  1. They are not very scary really. The Novels have good story lines and are interesting, but not scary. However some of the short stories are scary! Try reading skeleton crew. One of the ones in there scared me, a man starts to eat himself because he is trapped on a desert island. My bf read the shining and one part of that scared him.  

  2. The books aren't really all that scary, but they are beautifully written, it is hard to find a author that is that good at what they do. Carrie was a little disturbing, your right. THe best Stephen King is Salem's Lot. Its very good, about vampires, I was hooked instantly and couldnt put it down. The movies are much more scary than the books.

  3. Actually,I thought they were supposed to scary too, but the one I read(four past midnight)was not scary at all. It was actually boring.

  4. Ok, these are ordered by year, not by how scary they are and they dont include short stories, Richard Bachman books, or non-fiction. Just his novels. The scale is 1-10, 10 being scariest.

    Carrie - 4

    Salem's Lot - 7

    The Shining - 6

    The Stand - 8

    The Dead Zone


    Cujo - 4

    DTI -1


    Pet Sematary - 3

    Cycle of the Werewolf - 5

    The Talisman - 4

    It - 9

    The Eyes of the Dragon

    Misery - 6

    The Tommyknockers - 3

    DTII - 1

    DTIII - 1

    The Dark Half - 3

    Needful Things - 5

    Gerald's Game - 5

    Dolores Claiborne

    Insomnia - 3

    Rose Madder - 4

    Desperation - 6

    The Green Mile - 1

    DTIV - 1

    Bag of Bones - 2

    The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - 2

    Dreamcatcher - 3

    Black House

    From A Buick 8 - 3

    DTV - 2

    DTVI - 1

    DTVII - 1

    The Colorado Kid - 1

    Cell - 7

    Lisey's Story

    Duma Key - 4

    The ones that I did not rate, I have not yet read, or I dont remember them well enough.  And please not that some or only scary for certain aspects and not the book as a whole (ie. the Stand - the virus spreading).

    Note that most of these arent really scary though. King has a way of telling a captivating story and involving his audience, but the only book that actually gave me a good scare was It. All the rest are my opinions of how they could scare someone. Have fun reading his stuff. It's brilliantly written!

  5. It would probally be the scariest

    or Needfull things

    the least scariest yeah i would have to say Carrie that wasn't scary at all  

  6. Read The Stand! that was a real good one, the tv movie series didnt do it justice! its so good read it

    and i dont think that they are supposed to be that scary, i think they are just written to make you think about things and mess with your head a little bit. ya know?

  7. read Bag of Bones, It, Cujo, Everything's Eventual, The Shinning, Skeleton Crew. Those are the ones that pop out at me as the scariest. I've read everything of his. they are all good!

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