
Stephenie Meyer??????

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is anyone else a little upset with stephenie meyer and the whole twilight universe?

first of all breaking dawn was bad. very disappointing.

now the whole midnight sun thing???

i use to idolize her but i really dont anyone. from what i see of her character through breaking dawn and midnight sun im not sure shes a person i would want to idolize.

i feel bad saying or even thinking all of this so i jsut wanted to know if im alone or if anyone else feels this way




  1. I don't care really. I have always thought that she is a poor writer

    And doesn't deserve being called a writer.

    Her first three books : Twilight , New Moon and Eclipse were decent.

    As for your question ,well I believe she's unfair towards her fans.

    She doesn't care about them. It's her fault that Midnight Sun was  previously leaked on Internet. She's an author for god sake , she should had been very careful in this things.

    And now , she refuses to finish her book? That's a selfish thing from her.

    xx Greetings

  2. i did like breaking dawn but we all have different opinions.

    im very very angry at SM.

    she is acting like a child and needs to get over it.

    harry potter was leaked but JK rowling kept writing

    get a grip SM.

  3. I, being of the wrong gender and age group (14-year-old male), am not the target audience for the Meyer books, and therefore have never read them. However, my younger sister HATES them, saying that they are (quote) "perverty, crappy, and ignorant." This doesn't really answer your question; just thought I might share another's opinion with you.

  4. Well I used to be a twilight twinkie who loved Stephenie Meyer and I aspired to be like her and have that much success as a writer. Matter fact seeing her success motivated me to want to look into the publishing biz and try to finish one of my many novel ideas. Now that I've seen the light I've come to see her bullsh*t for what it is. Breaking Dawn was horrible and her poor reception of critiscm shows her character as a writer. She takes no responsibility for her writing and the way she talks in her interviews shows that she acts like she didn't know the writing would go this way. "I didn't know Edward would take it that far..." OF COURSE YOU DID! It's your novel! Now I'm a writer and I know sometimes you have to let the writing flow but your still in 100% control of your story. Then she says that people who don't like it will later when they re-read it. She called it the "Rob Effect" which is her comparison on how people hated Robert Pattison as Edward for the movie but now love him. She thinks that people will love her novel after awhile. Hmm...I'm still waiting for the rob effect. Anyways I'm not even going to start on how horrific the BD novel was. If you want my view look under the discussions of BD on which has turned it a anti-fan headquarters. Anyways she gave it out to people so she should have known that risk. She should have asked for the copies back once the movie was done. I only think Rob needed to see it a couple times to get the feel for Edward. And the whole "I'm putting Midnight Sun on hold indefinately" is BS!!! She's in love with her twisted fantasy world toooooooo much to let it go. (I still think Edward is what she wishes her husband would be.) She'll write it and and publish it to look like a literary hero and everybody'll be like "GO STEPH!" Umm.....NO STEPH!!! Anyways she said she's taking a year off and maybe she'll mature as a writer and know how to handle being a celebrity author. Maybe next time she'll listen to her publishers when they say you should stop at a certain point or not put that in. Once she knows that not all of her "glorious" ideas are wonderful. I remeber one iterview she said her editors read the original BD and were scared by it and she was actually happy saying "Wow I scared someone!" That's not a good thing when your writing a romance YA novel. Maybe horror, or suspense, or mystery but romance? I understand they're vampires but she didn't prepare us for the amount of twisted sickening gory details. "Then she vomited blood." Maybe if it was like that from the beginning or a gradual increase but no! It was blunt and disgusting. Anyways that's my opinion.

  5. you're not linking the two together.

    breaking dawn was horrible. hundreds and hundreds of copies were returned worldwide. since when was has a book been THAT bad that readers have taken the time to return it...?

    you really think a prestigious complany like little brown is going to let midnight sun see the light of day? they're a laughing stock right now. sm needs to chill. it's good they're giving her a break. i hardly doubt people would be lining up to buy midnight sun after her latest epic failure. they're making it seem like her choice. but really, her publishers were like. 'pause. she's finished for now.'

    i suggest reading 'the host'. it's soo much better. my favorite by her. twilghit turned overrated extremely quickly.

    she is publishing sequels to the host.

    book 2-the soul

    book 3-the seeker

  6. Up person above me... you are very confused.

    Yes, ppl returned there copies.

    No, there not publishing Midnight Sun because the link on the internet, not cuz of breaking dawn

    Its The Host then The Seeker then The Soul

  7. Yea i used to like her but i read an interview with her in Time Magazine She told them that there is no  "Sexual Content" In the books when there is. It made me think shes a liar.

    Then she goes and gives a manuscript out. come on! Who is stupid enough to do that! Then she throws a fit and blames in on that person when its entirely her fault!

    I think its sort of pathetic but thanks for letting me rant! ^_^

  8. I dont LIKE her books, but i find them very addictive. And I dont see what was wrong with breaking danw, other than the sexual content, which made me emmbarresed to read it. but I think it was a good book. the fight was dissapointing,because there really wasn't a fight,but I dont see why every one is so mad about it.

  9. Please say it all you want. I'm glad that people are willing to say that they are disappointed in Smeyer.

    Please visit my site and read my two blog entries where I rant about BD. It'll make you feel better- I'm very sarcastic. =]
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