
Stepmother cut my blind daughter's hair out of spite for me.....

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My ex-husband picks up his kids once every 2 months. This past weekend he took my 10 year old boy and 5 year old daughter. And my 5 year old blind daughter comes back with her hair cut about 5 inches! Not only was it cut but it looks as if they put it in a pony tail and cut it off. It is uneven and looks horrible. I am furious. When I called to ask them she denies it and he believes her. What am I to do? I do not want to even let them go with him any more but my children would only suffer. He doesn't seem to mind if they go over there or not. He barely comes anyway. Is this grounds to deny visitation? And how can I ensure that after I fix my daughter's hair that she is not going to cut it again? I was thinking about cutting the stepmoms hair the next time I see her!!! I know that this is horrible but.......I just don't know what to do........HELP!!




  1. God thats awful could it be poss tht your son done it not that im condoning it if he had they should have taken her and got it fixed, if she did do it she is an evil witch I cant blame you for not wanting them to have hrtme again that is so shocking

  2. i know your furious right now but you can just go to a salon to get it fix. this was a very bad thing you did and talk to your ex husband and tell him you dont trust his wife being there with the kids and that from now on you are going to stay every time you come to visit. and if he doesnt like it cancle visitation rights. good luck.

  3. Contact your lawyer about this. Clearly your child was not returned to you in the same condition as she was when she left.

    Is this abuse? I don't know and cannot say. BUT the courts need to know about this.

    Sad sign of the times - if they'll cut your daughter's hair without permission, what's to say they won't molest her or abuse her in some other way...

  4. I would so get a shot gun and....sorry.  I share you pain,  my daughters step mother took her to get her hair cut and butchered it!

    If you have a family court comissioner in your county I would start there.  Maybe you could get supervised visits set up or something. (Especially if there are some questionable practices going on)How rude to take spite for you out on a little girl.  

  5. Get a note book and start  to journal everthing with the date and what happened.  You will need to have this for any court proceedings.  Your lawyer should be able to help with this situation.  Take pictures of her hair all chopped off!

    What she did is wrong.  Are you sure she is the one who did it though?

    If you have full custody, full control of education, and full care of the children then they should not do anything like cutting her hair!

    You need to cool down, and do not do anything to mess yourself up...just chill!

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