
Stepped on baby kitten

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i stepped on my month old kitten and it screamed and ran but then it just stopped and laid there and now its just all drowsy and was drueling.

i know your going to say take it to the vet, but the only thing around here is a humane society and they will take it and if they don't know what to do they'll kill it.

i tried giving it water, but it still drinks from its mother. i think it might die.

but does anyone know what i can do to it..?

please help. and please don't be mean.

i didn't mean to. and i know its not my fault but i feel like it is.




  1. This same thing happend to one of my kittens.

    it smelled funny when I picked it up.

    there are homeopathic remedies you could have given it right away but now if it is nursing then I wouldn't worry...

    It was an accident so don't beat your self up.

    just wait and see what happens...

    and let us know too.

  2. HUMANE, means they will treat it as such! If you take it to them (the Humane Society) they have vets there that will try to help you. They only euthanize animals that can't be adopted. It sounds like a rib may have punctured the lung, if it's breathing heavily. If you have a way there, you should take it to the humane society.

    Good Luck,  ;-)

    It's very normal to "feel bad" after something like this happens, but we all know that accidents happen. Let us know how things are later, we are anxious to know.

    Good Luck,  ;-)

  3. I agree with Ash even if you need to go out of town you need to take it to the vet. A vet may beable to help it out and save it if its badly hurt. Good luck.

  4. Shouldn't that kitten be with its mother?

    Second, it is your fault.

    You may have broken a rib or two so take it to the vet immediately.  

  5. You could call a vet.

    Good Luck

  6. acctual it is your fault. im not beeing mean miss pansy feelings but um its called a car and u an get into it and drive to a vet! wow cool huh!  

  7. You do need to take it to the vet or the SPCA ASAP.  It sounds like you've caused internal injuries and broken bones in which case it is more humane to have it put to sleep than to let it die.  Don't try giving water to a kitten that young - it isn't going to help with the internal injuries.    

    Accidents happen.  Letting the humane society assess it and maybe put it to sleep if they say its injuries are bad is really the kindest thing.  Triy to get the mother and her remaining kittens moved to a place they can't be accidentally stepped on.

  8. I know that you don't want to hear take it to a vet but that is the best chance for the kittens survival if it means a lot to you like it would to me i would drive it anywhere hours maybe if i had to but is crucial that it sees a vet immediately. it's not your fault that you steped on it but its your responsibility that it gets proper care when you take it to the vet bring all the kittens and the mother it will comfort the steped on ketten. But you have to know that nomatter what you do the most humane thing to might be to put it to sleep but even that is still helping the kitten. it may have some mayjor injuries that might not be fixable in a little kitten but there is a famous quote, "its OK to make a mistake when you've tried, but it's a mistake not to try." Think about it this way if you do nothing it will hurt the kitten more but if you do something nomatter what it will feel better being fixed or put down nomatter how hard it is for you you have to do what is right. please take it to a vet it is whats best they can either fix it or they can't but it's whats best.

  9. yeah call a vet and they can tell you what to do over the phone.  

  10. The kitten could have internal injuries it needs medical attention!  It's your responsibility to make sure it gets proper care.  

  11. i would suggest calling a vet, and if its serious enough, go out of town to get it help from a real vet office

  12. Of course it is not your fault!   It was an accident!    The kitten does sound injured...Will it nurse from the mother?  That would be an indication of how hurt it really is...if it can't nurse--it would be a bad sign. Sorry...try to keep him by the mother-she might have some instincts to help... Good luck.  

  13. It got hurt! It needs help! Take it anywhere you can!

  14. Well there has to be a vet around your area.

    Maybe even a 24 hour pet clinic.

    If not, leave it alone and let it be.

    The more you touch it, the better of a chance you'l have in hurting it even more.

    My puppy fell from my arms and started limping for a while. But after, it was running around like nothing.

    Animals can heal pretty quick.

    If after an hour you dont see any improvement, go online and look for a pet clinic or vet in your area.

    If you dont find any online in you area, you'll have to take it to the humane society and see if they can do something. If they cant, then look really hard for a vet. You want to try everything possible to help the kitty instead of leaving it in the humane society.

    If it doesnt drink water, give it milk. Try and get those feeding tubes and wrap it in a towel.

  15. Just wait for it to die and wait for the mom to hate your guts.

    Thats my advice for someone who spams other peoples questions.

  16. call 911

  17. you should try bringing the kittens mother to it if the cat is a good mother she will know what to do get some food and some warm milk for the kitten keep the water with you get her a pillow and some toys if she is really bad you will have to bring her to the Humane society hopfully they will under stand if not at least they would have vets there to help the kitten.

  18. Well where exactly did you step on it? If you stepped on its back or chest, then you could've broken its ribcage. I suggest taking it to the humane society. They can't put the kitten down without your permission, hun. Take it there and they should have no problem figuring out what you did to the poor kitten.  
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