
Steps for tricare to cover gastric bypass fort hood tx? wait times and what tests are required. ?

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i went to my pcm last week my bmi is 40, just looking to find out what the average wait time is and what are the steps to gettitng tricare to cover all the cost




  1. Your PCM has to refer you to a Bariatric surgeon.  Once the referral is in, the surgeon will call you to schedule an appt.  When you see the surgeon you have to fill out quite a bit of paperwork.  They will want to know ALL your eight loss efforts.  What det's you've been on, how long you were on each diet and how much weight you lost/gained with each diet.  They will want to know if you have ben under professiona carefor weight loss.  The surgeon will speak with you very candidly about your weight loss.  Not everyone who has a BMI of 40 is qualified for the surgery.  IF the surgeon gives you the okay, you will see a nutritionist to learn how to eat.  You must ge an EKG prior to surgery as well.  They take out tons of blood too.  Thsi is info for surgery at your MTF, I have no idea how it works off-base.

    IF you surgeon approves the surgery, Tricare will pay for it.  However, Tricare does not cover the cosmetic surgery nccessary to remove the excess skin due to dramatic weight loss.  I've know people who have gotten in and had some skin removed (the surgeron must stay in practice) but this depends on your MTF.  The neccessary cosmetic surgery to remove all excess skins cost $15000.

    It is a hard decidion and one only you and your surgeon can make.  I had Gastric Byass surgery at my MTF last Oct.  I've lost 120 pounds in 10 months.  Only 30 more to go to goal weight.  I've ad zero complications and Tricare PRIME paid for the whole thing.

  2. See link below:

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