
Steps in planting rice

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what are the steps in planting a rice




  1. There are several ways of planting rice. The two main ways that rice is planted in the US. The first, is to prepare the land and plant the rice much the same way you would plant wheat. After the rice has emerged and the stand established the land is flooded. The other way is to sprout the seed before planting it. This is usually done in large burlap bags which are emerged in water to wet the seed and removed and kept moist until the seed is sprouted. The seed is then broadcast into already flooded fields, usually by airplane.

    In most Asian countries rice seed is planted in a nursery where it is flooded after it emerges to a thick stand. It is latter transplanted into flooded patties.

    There is also an upland rice which is planted and grown on dry land like wheat. It is common in some African countries.                                                          

  2. That depends on what area of the country or world you are in, around northern california you generally start with a field, work it up to a depth of about 4-10in depending on the ground and the farmer, level the field, roll it with a big roller and you can either put your starter fertilizer and aqua ammonia down with or apply right before rolling it and the flood the field, in the mean time while the flooding is occuring the seed dealer can soak your seed anywhere from 24 hours to seven days and the you fly the seed on. There are new ways of planting rice coming to my area, there is dry seeded with a grain drill, flown on and rolled in, both of which water is applied after the seed is in the ground and there are some that drill the seed into moisture, which is hard to do and takes a certain type of ground. There is also no till where you dont work the ground at all, you use a no-till drill and drill the seed in the previous years stubble and go from there, i dont think there is any best way, its just trial and error to find what method is best for each field and farmer
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