
Steps of Flying?

by Guest66615  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and I'm going to be going to my aunt's this summer, she lives in new york and I'm going to fly there. can someone tell me simply what to do before I get on the airplane? like how what to do with my luggage and everything? thank you




  1. Make sure your carry-on luggage does not contain any knives, nail clippers or files, no bottled water and liquids cannot exceed 3 oz.  check out this web-site for more details:

    When you check in with your airlines they will ask if you are checking any bags.  If so they will tag them and if you are flying from within the US they will take them.  Once you check in and get your boarding pass, you then must go through security.  You will be required to remove any metal objects from your pockets and also take off your shoes.  All carry-on items will be put through the x-ray machine while you walk through the scanner.  If you don't have any metal on you then you should be fine, but if you set off the machine then they will ask to wand you.  You have to stand with your feet apart and your arms stretched out to your sides while they run the wand around you.  Once you clear security, you retrieve your belongings and proceed to your gate.  Good luck.  The last time we flew, they changed our gate 4 times.  The worst was that 2 of the changes were in different concourses.  So we got lots of walking in.  Once they begin boarding, you hand your boarding pass to the attendant (sometimes they also require that you show your identification).  Do you have a state ID?  Since you are 13 you don't have a driver's license and I'm not sure if school IDs are acceptable.  You might want to check with your airlines.

    My nephew use to visit when he was under 13 (before 9/11) and he had to wait for the flight attendent to bring him to us.  Not sure what the airline policy is now on minors.

    I'm sure your airline has a web-site.  It would be worth looking into.  

    Hope you have a great visit!

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