
Steps taken to get emancipated?

by  |  earlier

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What do I need/need to do?





  1. How old are you ?

    If you're 15-16, don't bother... unless you intend on going into a home or something... but you look way young.

    You'll need a job first... for a while.. and somewhere to live ON YOUR OWN....

    If you're 17, don't bother, by the time it goes into affect, it will be too late....

  2. I'm going to nominate your mom & dad for "Parent of the Year".

    How can your own kid want to become emancipated?   What losers.

  3. Teen Angst at it's finest.

    Don't do it dumby

  4. Look up Emancipation and your state to find out the guidelines for your state. Realize that very darn few children will be emancipated because the first requirement almost always is that they are self-supporting. So, unless you have a good paying modeling career or just designed a killer computer game that is making you thousands, your chances of being emancipated are small. If you are working at Walmart, probably is not going to happen.

  5. In most states, there are only 2 feasible ways to get emancipated:

    1.  join the military

    2.  call the police on your parents for child abuse, and ask them to make you a ward of the state and place you in foster care.  Then, if they can substantiate the abuse allegations, you can file for emancipation.

    Note that emancipation is an expensive legal process.  If you don't have 10-15K saved up for a good lawyer, better start saving.

  6. You need money, your own place, proof you can support yourself, and a good lawyer

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