
Steps to adopt abandoned stepchildren?

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I have two stepchildren aged, 12 and 11, how do I go about adopting them? Their father has abandoned them since 2001, there has been absolutely no contact. They have both inquired of me, when are you going to adopt me daddy? Can anyone please help me with info?

Thanks, Kevin




  1. I would contact a lawyer their birth father will have to sign over any rights after that it should be clear sailing...

  2. Get a lawyer and start the process.  After the biological parent has failed to make contact physically or financially for over a year that does qualify as abandonment and you can go through the courts with the mothers permission and apply to adopt the children.  It makes it even easier when the children want it as well.  They will publish it in probably the local paper and will require any information you have about the biological father so they can attempt to make contact with him but chances are you will get to adopt them if they have been your stepchildren for 2 or more years.

  3. speak to a family lawyer, my husband adopted my daughter and the whole thing cost around $400....but you could choose to do a lot of the paperwork and filing yourself and save some money after you've talked with the lawyer.  

    Good luck!

  4. Seems that you love them and that they love you too. You might want to consider taking a lawyer and start from there. Good luck

  5. You  go through an attorney, pay the fees to have their birthfather's rights terminated, then pay the fees to adopt them.  In some cases, you also have to get an adoption homestudy as well.

    Tell the children that you are their father because you love them and take care of them, and the paper won't change that.

    And remember to NEVER out down their bio father in any way -- he is a part of them, and to put him down, you put them down.  They will figure that out very quickly!

    Good luck.

  6. Kevin,  

    I recommend contacting a lawyer who specializes in step-parent adoptions.  He should be able to walk you through the proper steps to take for the paperwork, etc.  The bio father still needs to have his rights terminated, either voluntarily or through the courts.  A lawyer can best guide you.  Good luck to you!

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