
Stereotype of Argentinians?

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Is there a negative stereotype of Argentinians? If so, what is it? There is a reference in a Billy Joel song to someone "wining and dining with Argentines and Kuwaitis" that puzzled me, and just now, I saw people here throwing stereotypes at an Argentinian in retaliation for his asking a snide question about blacks. I do not know anything about Argentinian culture.




  1. OMG....whom evr said that argentines look like mexicans is TRULLY WRONG!

    I've been to Argentina a couple of times cause I love it. Buenos aires is a beautifull city, the people mostly of white descendents, the food to die for .....great gelatos...overall cool people.....


  2. First of all no...we do not look Mexican...that is farthest from the truth. Most Argentinos look more European. There is a huge Italian and German influence in Argentina so most have lighter father is from Argentina and most people don't even realize he is Spanish...they think he is Italian or something. We do tan easily but seem more European than anything.

        A lot of the men are very arrogant in Argentina so that is one negative stereotype. They will cat call you all day long while you are walking down the street but are mostly harmless. They don't pinch your butts or anything like in Italy. People say that Argentina has some of the prettiest women in the world...that is one positive thing. A lot of the men say that Argentine men are the most handsom men on the planet. And yes a lot of people that live in Buenos Aires are prejudice against black people. They will say that people with darker skin are dirty and poor...this is one part of the culture I do not agree with but a lot of the people there feel this way-definitely not ALL Argentines though.

       There are darker skinned people that are also from Argentina usually from the Northern part near Tucuman and Salta places like that. There are more indigenous cultures still found in these parts hence the darker skin tones. Sometimes people from Buenos Aires will even be racist towards those people even though they are their own fellow Argentines. But...other than that the people are amazing and friendly.

         On an up note...when I lived/stduied there is 2004 there was a black girl in my program and we all went out all the time and she loved her experience there. I never heard anyone yelling racial slurs at her. So maybe the times are chaning?!:)

        The culture is like nothing I have ever experienced before. They have great food, are friendly, great museums, amazing shopping, the city NEVER sleeps....they drink mate every where they go. It is a wonderful country with many great things to explore you should definitely visit atleast once in your lifetime! I hope this has helped.

  3. most argentinians look like italians or spanish but the stereotype is a guy that eats all day long meat drinks a lot of mate and knows how to dance tango, but the reality is that now a days although we eat a lot of meat and drink some mate ,almost none of argentinians dance tango.

  4. not that ive heard of. its just that they're from south america and they look mexican. so people will refer them under mexican stereotyping.

  5. Where did you get we look like Mexicans? Nothing farther from the truth. Argentineans have mostly Spanish and Italian heritage, with some germans and English mixed in. There are practically no african or african-descended people living in Argentina, which is strange given that in neighbouring uruguay you find more african-descended people. I don´t know why this is so.

    If there´s a stereotype going around it´s that Argentieans are a little full of themselves... but that´s all.

  6. Argentinians look like mexicans??? Ha,ha,ha,ha!!!

    I was there two years ago, and belive me, Argentinians are nothing like mexicans!

    they are mostly white, from european background. Very educated, friendly and fun.they look more italian, and they have a similar attitude towards life and work.

    In general people from the capital tend to be a little arrogant and more "in a hurry" than people from small towns.

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