
Stereotypically are surfers chilled out while snowboarders are show offs and up their own ***?

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at my uni manchester met, the surf club and snowboard club clash soo much. the surf club is chilled out share the costs for trips help each over out in the water and just want to have fun. the snowboard club are completly opposite they rip their members of massively (this year alone they have made £9,000!) while the surf club just about breaks even because they are honest and dont want to rip people of

the two clubs got invited to a focus group for extreme sports channel. the stereotypes where so true it was silly. snowboarders wont bovered about global warming and some said they didnt believe in it!

another example i was shopping in an oneills shop. the person helping me out had never surfed or snowboard before. he said you surfers come in your all so chilled out and just want to have fun and talk about your adventures while the snowboard guys come in all snotty and just say i want the most expensive thing of this and that

in general is this stereotype true where ever you go?




  1. It is a stereotype as you said...I know what you're talking about though and I've seen it more in the snowboard community BUT there are a lot of great people too AND I've meet some ******* that surf. SO it's dictated by personality. Being lade back is part of the surfer culture that's why it's encouraged my opinion.

  2. haha.. snow boarders are way more arrogent. and pasty. they spend the whole day in the freezing cold wearing layers and layers of clothing. how could you be in a good mood?

    surfers are generally more relaxed because they lay in the sun then jump in cold water.. they are also more tanned and toned than snow boarders. they wear next to nothing.. and this is a major generalisation but alot of them work out anyway.

  3. everyone is diff.

  4. it really depends on the person. i do both. i dont show off. im not great at surfing. i do it for fun i get some good rides. snowboarding, not to brag, i can rip. i dont show off. i mean with snowboarding there is more fasion involed so that might have to do with it. but i think it depends on the individual. i know some cocky snowboarders and surfers.. and same with them both being chill.

  5. i think it just depends on the person really, i do both but i live in an area which restricts me from doing it i living in yorkshire so i can only surf when im on holiday but i try away when ever i can but i work at the local xscape on the slopes so i can snowboard every week but id still say im more surfer stereotypical im in no way up myself or anything even tho i snowboard more often. oh and buy the way im only 15 if that makes a diffrence

    but there is alot of people who fit these stereotypes but i have met some really nice snowboarders and some really up themselves surfers :P

  6. I don't know have experience with snowboarders.  With surfers in California and Hawaii there is a vast spectrum of personalities.  Much of it depends on the break.  There are competitive breaks where things can get ugly real fast, and there are mellow beaches where surfers chill.   One of the big factors is how crowded it is in the water.  Like most activities of people, when there is overpopulation, the quality of life diminishes.

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