
Stereotyping ?????????

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Don't you just hate how you can never make a general statement without people saying you are stereotyping, no matter how many examples you give.

People typically respond by saying.

"well I don't do that" or

"well that's only the [give group name here] that you've met"




  1. Not being a smart a*s, But maybe it's how you pose the question.

    Try asking it in a different way.

  2. The name of the site's "Yahoo! Answers" not "Yahoo! Rhetorical Yes or No Questions"

  3. I don't know how stereotyping happens. I've never seen a stereo with a keyboard before.

  4. need help! if u have sims2 castaway for wii please help me!!;...  

  5. Yeah there's kind of a divide - some groups of people can act the same in some ways and to some extent sometimes deserve a little stereotyping.

    However, constantly knocking out sweeping generalizations is not smart because they're usually off the mark and it aint gonna make you very popular.

  6. The reason people say you're stereotyping when you make a general statement about a group is because THAT'S THE DEFINITION OF STEREOTYPING.

  7. People often don't take well to generalisations, and regardless of whether true or not, they ARE generalisations which means they are stereotyping. These generalisations don't come from nowhere and they are generally based on statistical truth. However, like anything, there are exceptions to every rule.

    I don't mind people generalising, but it depends on the way it is said. For example, if you say "people with brown hair are always late!", then people are more likely to pull you up and argue the point rather than if you said "it seems that a lot of brown haired people arrive late".

    You might just be wording these generalisations in a way that makes it sound like it applies to ALL and there are no exceptions. Try using words like "it seems", "I think", "my opinion is..." to make sure you're not trying to pass it off as fact.

  8. That wouldn't be stereotyping. However, you really have to look at the fact that most stereotyping is based in part on reality. Just the facts.

  9. stereotyping is wrong my mates and i have been knocked back from jobs due to stereotyping

  10. Yup. It's like you can't say anything without someone thinking you're "picking on" a sub-group, rather than stating a general observation.

    I'm with you on that one!

    BTW - an observation is different than a statement. An observation is just that. A STATEMENT can be stereotyping.
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