
Sterilization for older mothers....?

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at what age did you tie your tubes? Im 34 single mother of 1 child. I dont think i want to have anymore children, How many of u think sterilizaton would be a bad choice? Im open to opinions




  1. I was 22, with one child - no regrets. I'm 35 now.

  2. I am 38, and expecting #2...I am going to have a tubal ligation after I give birth.  I feel that I am too old to go it again.  MY cousin is 35, and having her second tomorrow by c-section and is having a tubal done as well while they have her open.  You need to think long and hard if its for still have a few years to still have another baby if you find the right man.

  3. I haven been married for 15 years to a man who is 10 yrs older than me, I had my daughter when I just turned 20....I didnt want anymore, of course they would'nt tie my tubes. My hubby got tied one year later....I dont regret it...But, if anything happened to us, that would be the first thing I would do, get those tubes cut, burned....

  4. Why bother? It just decides your future for you.

  5. Everybody needs their tubes tied except me.

  6. You could always get birth control instead of surgery. They make those 5 year birth controls now. Also there is the shot. There are other options, check out this page on this site, it has alot of info.

    I know its long, just copy and paste it. I hope this helps!

  7. Because you said "I don't think I want to have anymore children" I would say definitely don't do it.  Who knows what the future might hold.  Women have healthy children into their early 40's (yes there are more risks) but if that is something that interests you at all, even abstractly, then definitely don't do it.  Once you get into your early 40's and feel the same then do it then.

  8. If you think you're done and I mean done, get them tied. Some women get the surgery but end up changing their minds. Be sure it's what you want. If surgery isn't right for you, look into the IUD. It is a t-shaped, copper device that can prevent pregnancy for 10 year without hormones, 3-5 years with hormones. They can be taken out in case you want another baby. I hope this helped

  9. I wanted to be sterilized in my 20's with one child but I had to wait until I was 30 by then I had changed my mind I eventually had another baby at 41 the greatest thing I ever did I was sterilized when she was 8 months old .So you must be 100% sure I am so glad I never had it done in my 20's or 30's when I was so sure it was what I wanted.

  10. hi if your not sure that u dont want anymore more children dont be sterilised it would be a bad choice u have to have no douts atall.hope that helps x

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