Steve Stricker is an ideal example for youngsters
When the Ryder Cup tees off, Steve Stricker will be the oldest man on the field. Even when he made his Ryder Cup debut at the age of 41, he was the oldest rookie. Playing in his third Ryder Cup, the veteran feels he is still learning the tricks of the trade.
This shows the character he is made off. A 45-year-old golfer, saying he is still learning the game even after playing professional golf for over two decades, shows his positivity and determination.
Youngsters should follow the likes of Steve Stricker, nobody is perfect. A person keeps on learning as the life progresses on. The important factor is that the person should be eager to learn.
"I feel like I'm an old kind of rookie, even though I've played in three of these, it's still a learning experience," said the 45-year-old Stricker.
Another thing is that Sticker is a very quiet man, he usually does not speak. However, if somebody asks for advice, then he does voice his opinion.
"I do my thing. I'm quiet," Stricker said. "If somebody asks my opinion or asks me a question, I'll offer it up. But I'm not one who's going to be overbearing and be at the forefront”.
Being a team player is very important in the Ryder Cup. If you are willing to sacrifice for your team, only then will you be successful.
He said, "I try to be a good team player and if somebody were to ask me a few things here or there, I'd surely love to help anybody out who's asking for it”.
Stricker further expressed that he would love to team up with Tiger Woods and defend his Ryder Cup record. Moreover, he also shared that when he goes out in the Ryder Cup, there is immense pressure on him.
Stricker, being a controlled player, would form a formidable team with a bomber like Tiger Woods. They have enjoyed success in the past Ryder Cups and Presidents Cup as well.
One thing which would play to Stricker’s advantage is that his family lives nearby, so he would feel at home.
"This is kind of right in my backyard," he said. "I have got a lot of family and friends coming down".