
Steven Gerrard remembers “You’ll Never Walk Alone” for Liverpool

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Steven Gerrard remembers “You’ll Never Walk Alone” for Liverpool
The Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard has confirmed that he will stay loyal to the Red colour this season. Re-living the club’s motto “You’ll never walk alone” he has lived up to the dreams of his overjoyed fans.
The captain of the men at Anfield stated that he has been “very impressed” with plans out by the new manger new Roy Hodgson and steps he has already taken up to restore the Merseyside to its former glory.
Gerrard, Fernando Torres and Javier Mashcherano; the three musketeers of the Liverpool club had been scattered after a dismissive performance by the Liverpool in the last season when they became a disappointment on all formats and leagues.
While Gerrard had been linked with a deal to Real Madrid and Torres had been lined up at Chelsea and Barcelona only Mascherano’s fate is left with Inter Milan, with the rest of the two players being shown lack of interest by clubs now.
Torres though still hasn’t given in his final answer. He had a pretty good season in comparison to the injuries and bad luck he faced. He scored 22 goals in 32 appearances. His 2010 World Cup campaign was extremely dismissive and in the end he managed to get himself injured in the final minutes of the final.
After Hodgson publicly announced that Joe Cole would be playing alongside the rest of the Liverpool team Gerrard commented that it would be great to play shoulder to shoulder with the Englishman. After all it were the efforts of Gerrard that landed Cole at Anfield.
Gerrard overjoyed at the signing expressed, “It is a great signing for us. I know Joe well through the England set-up and have seen first hand just how good a player he is. I've told him what a great club this is and I'm sure Joe's the sort of exciting talent our fans will love to see”.
Gerrard told media that he had taken the decision with a pragmatic and prudent approach. He stated that as he had earlier said that he would make the decision after the World Cup and the vacation with his family, he had done so.
It was expected just after the signing of Joe Cole who had become a free agent after his time with Chelsea that he would be staying at Anfield, Gerrard on the topic said, “I wanted the chance to meet Roy Hodgson privately and having done so, I'm very impressed with his plans for the future”.
Hodgson too had earlier praised his captain and vice captain Jamie Carragher, “Jamie Carragher and Steven Gerrard did a good job in selling the club to Joe at the recent World Cup”.
He articulated the importance of Cole to the club saying, “I am pleased to get the player because it is very important to try to improve our squad as much as we can in order to reach the high goals we have set ourselves”.
Carragher also expressed his opinion about the signing saying that it was just the king of boost Liverpool needed. He said, “It's great news and it is a message that Liverpool mean business. A lot of clubs wanted to sign him but it is a real coup that he has chosen to come here and you have got to give the manager and the board a pat on the back for convincing him to come here”.
Carragher also told that the all the players and the fans had similar emotion of happiness for the signing and hoped that with it Liverpool will enter a new era and revive all that they have lost. He said, “Every supporter that I have spoken to is absolutely delighted and all the players are the same - it's given everyone a boost, just at the right time”.
Now that Gerrard has indicated that he is back with Liverpool things look brighter at Anfield. The new signings at the club have also shed some hope of light and it seems that Liverpool just pull it off after all. Well the first match against Arsenal this season that takes place in about a month’s time will give a clearer picture of things.



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