
Steven Wright. The Suffolk serial killer.....?

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Should he hang if guilty ?


Should all killers hang ?




  1. Yes, all killers should be hanged only if they are found guilty beyond a doubt. If more people were executed for murders maybe one day would-be killers might just think "hey if I kill this person I'm going to die." Now they just spend life in prison (which sometimes its not really for the rest of their life.)An eye for an eye I say.

  2. no AND no

  3. Difficult question.Innocent people have been hung in the past.I do however think that if they are pretty sure the person is guilty, they should have solitary confinement in total darkness and a diet that is the most basic.

  4. The Suffolk Ripper?

  5. did I not just ask this in P&S?????

  6. If he's guilty, he can't hang in the UK.

    No doubt he'll get LIFE and get paroled way before his life ends, unfortunately.

  7. If beyond doubt yes. there are few circumstances where taking a life is acceptable, to take more than one and be found beyond doubt is sickening.

    I have reservation about all hangings but if there is no doubt whatsoever then yes.

  8. De ja vu!

    No, in answer to both your questions.

  9. Yes they should be hanged. And if he is found guilty, he should have the same done to him, like what he did to the girls.

  10. No.

    Because we find far too many folk are convicted then later found to be innocent.

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