
Steward Question?

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I am starting to look into many different career choices for my future. I was wondering, because I have overheard some people say, that most stewards are homosexual. Is that true or are there a lot of straight male flight attendants?





  1. you cannot sterotype any career but in some cases that is true but in others it is not, just do wat u wanna do

  2. Back about 20 years ago, just about any man in that profession was g*y.

    These day, not as much. Although many are, a good percentage are married, hetrosexual men. If I had to guess, I would say its about 50/50 these days.

  3. A lot of times those "stories" get started by people who think of particular jobs as feminine. Some examples would be: waiter, ballet, singer, and your question, the flight attendant.  But now days look at how things have gone the other direction.  Women truck drivers, women police officers, women fire fighters.  The job doesn't determine the sexual preference.  If it is a carrier choice you are interested in, then go for it.  It is a career with long hours and irregular schedule, but good benefits and you get to travel places you may never have went working any other job.  Good luck.
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