
Stews keep getting a weird skin on the top?

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I am constantly making soups and stews and leave them to cool on the cooker but when i check them they have a funny white covering as if they are turning sour? Can anyone tell me what this is




  1. its probably just a little grease from th meat. you can stir it back in, or skim it off with a turkey baster. its really nothing to worry about.

  2. its just protein nothing to worry about

  3. it's the protein, don't worry...


  4. During the cooking process of stew, soup and other slow cooking dishes, fat and scum rise to the top. This needs to be skimmed off regularly. At the end of the cooking process (and before you thicken stews and some soups) cover to with absorbent paper to get rest of the fats off.  A little time taken to get rid of this muck is well worth the effort. You will find that your soups and stews taste far better not to mention you end up with a healthier, low fat product.

  5. proteins and fats rise to the surface. you can mix it back in very easily.  

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