
Stick your tongue out and look at it in mirror. Is totally pink and clean like mine or do you have a coating?

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Stick your tongue out and look at it in mirror. Is totally pink and clean like mine or do you have a coating?




  1. The d**n cat has got my tongue, I'll have to check it out later when I get it back.

  2. I think I see tiny mushrooms.

  3. clean clean clean

  4. seems ur at a loss for something better to do. Hows the eden project coming along.

  5. I have a sort of plate arrangement like those battleships in Portsmouth Harbour during the Falklands crisis.

  6. Mine's purple :3

    I like candy...

  7. No coating, but then I'm vegan too!! Beautiful pink tongue.

  8. My tongue is pink and clean because every time I brush my teeth (after each meal, which is 3 times a day) I also brush my tongue to keep it clean and healthy.

  9. got a coating.

  10. It's pink and white because I have a "disease" called geographical tongue where it stings really bad to eat citrus fruit.

  11. Mine's green with yellow stripes. Must have been that mint rock from Blackpool.

  12. its pretty dirty

  13. How did that pink stuff get there?

  14. mine is shiny and sticky

    pesky snowballs!

  15. Oh Mr perfect strikes again...... i am guessing that not only are you better, happier, more obnoxious and smarter than everyone else..... you also don't eat

  16. Coating can be caused by certain kinds of medication, also coca cola (in my case lol, am totally addicted!!) also, nicotine, coffee can cause it too.

    Try scrubbing with toothbrush - not too much as will bleed. Otherwise use the back of a knife to clean, also use Corsodyl mouthwash. its brilliant

  17. Looking closely, I notice that I have a few miniscule toadstools growing there.

    I think I might put them on a pizza.

  18. Of course it doesn't have a coating - that would be gross!!!!!!

  19. I have a coating. Likely fungus or some type of moss.

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