
Stickers on my board?

by  |  earlier

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I'm entering a surf contest tomorrow, and I'm hoping to get some sponsorers, or at least meet some people from different companies who could be potential sponsorers. I have lots of stickers on my board (rainbow, volcom, soleo) just because they're cool looking stickers that I picked up for free at a surf shop. Should I remove the stickers before the contest? Would it hinder possible sponsorships from other companies?




  1. Take the stickers off. You don't want a company to thik that they already sponsor you.

    The Surfboard Man

  2. Don't listen to these people, except "surfammo".

    Don't worry about the stickers, they won't even think twice about "oh hey look, she has stickers on her board". They're going to be paying attention on how good you can rip. Just go out there tomorrow, and do well. Pomaika`i ;]!

  3. mhmm

    im sponsored and believe me it was a long road

    don't put all ur eggs in one basket

    if you reallly wanna be sponsored

    you'd send in a sponsor video to the company and a reseme of ur contests

    one contest won't cut it

    just wait until you start making a movement in the surf industry

    and starting winning and soon enough they wil come up too you.

    don't worry you'll get there

    and yes I advise you to take them off

    they might think ur a kook

    or you might be over estemated

    sooo good luck!

    what's ur age?

    do nssa in october

    if ur under 18

    its really good

    I do it

    its a good stepping stone to professional surfing

    but don't rush sponsorship

    its harder than you think

    on the outside it looks like all fun, but you have to work ur a s s off

  4. take them off because it makes you look like kook. no sponsor, no sticker

  5. i don't think that any one is going to think your sponsored by volcom. no offence but if you are just and the edge of getting a first local sponsor it will be clear to them that you are not sponsored. that's not to say your bad. in fact if your entering a composition. hooping for a sponsor your probably fairly good, but to be sponsored by volcom or what ever you need to be "the best around"

    good luck with the sponsors.

    maybe you'll have a free board by the end of tomorrow!

  6. no stickers are cool especially volcom i think as long as you shred the composition it Will be fine and best of luck with the contest

  7. Honestly, I don't know how easy it is to get sponsored. Personally, I'm not a fan of stickers on a board unless you're actually sponsored by a company.  There's just something cool about a "naked" board and someone that totally rips on it.

    I actually think that your stickers might distract from actually getting sponsored.  Unless they're covering up dings, stickers won't help, but might actually make things worse. "Oh one of those kids again."

    But as long as you totally rip, you'll get noticed.

  8. i would take them off

    what if the volcome sponser was their and thought you were already sponsered..?

  9. i think you should take the stickers of because some sponcers might think you sponcer and not even bother. so id take them of

  10. depends on if you really think you could get a sponsorship out of the contest, which would have to mean your extremely good and are in a pretty big contest

  11. I am sure, that at you level of competition, you shouldn't have to worry about your stickers. Good luck! When you get into the 'big time' worry about getting your sponsors stickers seen.

  12. The stickers won't matter. Do well tomorrow.

  13. id say that unless you are sponsored by the company you shouldnt have stickers on your board. its my goal to get stickers on my board one day... will it ever happen? i dunno.

    so id say take them off and the potential sponsors will prob pay more attention.

    good luck
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