
Sticking to my school work?

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as a homeschooler I have been laking in doing my work...I need some tips on avoiding this next semester. in 2009/2010 school year i am going to a public high school so i need to prepare.

Also how do I know if i'm up to my grades standard?




  1. Your school probably has an entrance test for you to take to see where you'll be placed....

    If you go to the website for your state's Board of Education you'll probably be able to find links to a list of requirements for each grade and even copies of state tests from previous years.

    I don't give grades shouldn't have to provide grades..just be placed based on your age/and whether your knowledge is appropriate for that grade...

    There's lots of software programs/games that can help you learn french for free if you're into self-study..I noticed a bunch of them at the library and real cheap on ebay...

    Good luck!

  2. Have your parents enroll you in a conversational french class at a community college.  

    Set yourself a schedule on how much time you'll spend on each subject.  And take breaks so you don't get sick of it.  

    Your parents can look at the education department of your state, they list the standard for each grade.  There are also books called "what your __ grader should know".  Check on amazon for those types of books.

  3. The tip to avoid lacking in your school work is to divide it up into daily chunks and then finish at least one of those chunks each day.

    You said you don't get graded, but couldn't you grade yourself?

    You take how many questions or problems you had, and how many you got right and divide that by how many you did.  For example, if your book had 15 Math questions, and you got 13 right, you would divide 13 by 15.  This would give you a number that rounds to 0.87,  you convert this decimal into a percentage by dropping the multiplying it by 100, it comes to 87%.

    Now you need to convert that into a letter grade:

    90%-100%  =  A

    80%-89%  =  B

    70%-79% = C

    60%-69%  = D

    Below 60% is an F.

  4. Get a tutor outside of school. It will be a fun break.

  5. Most likely, the school/district has some sort of arrangement by which they will know that you're ready to enter ninth grade, probably some sort of test of at least English and math, possibly also science and history.  They'll place you according to the results of your testing.  My best advice to you is to spend 2008-09 focusing on your studies, with particular attention to English and math.  Have your parents arrange for you to have some sort of standardized testing now, and again this time next year.  Don't pay any attention if the results of this come back with a "grade equivalent score" -- it means nothing.  Do use it to point out areas of possible weakness so you can work harder on those this next year to prepare for high school.

    You can also go to your state's or district's Department of Education (or whatever they call it where you live)'s website -- they probably have listed there what's expected for students to know/be able to do by the end of each grade, at least through the eighth grade, in each subject.  Ask yourself if you know it/can do it -- if not, you'll know areas you need to work on during this next year.  This list might be called Grade Level Expectations, or something else entirely -- so read carefully when looking for it.

    As far as learning French, the best advice is to practice diligently EVERY day, including weekends, so you don't forget in between times.

    Good luck, kiddo!

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