
Sticky fingers ):?

by  |  earlier

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on June 18, 2008 i shoplifted, it was $124 worth of merchandise from Kohls in Missouri. The Loss Preventions lady took my info, social, phone number, address, and such. She thusly contacted the police and my parents. The police officer came in did his stuff, got my info, I signed an agreement saying I would never enter Kohls again, and then they sent me on my way saying I'd get a letter in the mail stating a court date and a letter stating my debt to Kohls. I got my letter describing my court case, which takes place this Wednesday, July 30th, and is not actually a "court date" persay, it's an "informal conference" which is meant to see if my case needs to be further pursued. I am curious as to what will happen in this conference. It is my first offense and I am only 16 years old I would like to know the typical punishment for people in my situation. I also am signing with the Marines in 2 wks my recruiter knows, and said he would help me, but what can he do?




  1. Get a lawyer.

    Part of your perceived deal was that BY SIGNING and admitting to repay your debt....  your expectation was that NO COURT or criminal record would be pursued.

    HAD you known you were going to be prosecuted, you could claim innocense...    you've now been denied a "fair trial"... or at the very least, will have the paper you signed deemed inadmissable.

  2. Very likely, the conference is to help decide if they take you into juvenile court or handle it as an informal probation, which generally means reporting to them for a while, doing some community service, paying back the store if they're out anything, and, of course, refrain from being a thief. You are now not going to be signing on with the Marines until you are completely free of your criminal obligations. They naturally don't want you while you could be sucked back to deal with your crime. What he means is that he'll probably talk to the juvenile department about you getting free of all this so you can join up. Try not to steal from your fellow Marines. They will hurt you.

  3. nothing you will only get 500 dollar fine i stole too at17 and the only thing i got was a fine dont worry

  4. Don't sign any statements for the cops without talking to a lawyer first.
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