
Sticky situation help plz

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there is two good schools where i live im gonna call them school 1 and school 2 ,school 1 all my friends go there and i wanna go but at school two i really dont wanna go but my mom and guidance counselor want me to go because she will help me thru school and help me get into colledge and stuff but idk what to do help




  1. You should probably go to school 2, because it will help you in the future. once you get out of college, you can have all the fun you want and kick it with all your friends (= hope things turn out alright for you!

  2. School 2, it may not be the funnest right now but you will make new friends. In the future your friends may be working at a drive through while your a ceo. The choices you make now will help you in the future. You can also see your friends any time after school.


    <3 Abbie

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