
Still Love The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time???

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Does any one Still Love The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time as much as I do???




  1. I love it more than I love LoZ: The Windwaker (sorry windwaker, I would rather ride a horse than a boat!).

  2. The games that they release now are good but c**p compared to Zelda. I mean look at how long Zelda was and how much content it had in it. Most games nowdays are barely half the size of Zelda the Ocarina of time. It was tah bomb ;o

  3. I love playing the ocarina and horseback riding!!! I actually bought an ocarina... It wasn't the same.

  4. consiter the fact that on EVERY single top 100 games of all time..ocarina of time comes up as number 1 or number 2....ya, i beleive everyone loves that game

  5. Yes!  I bought it on the Wii Shop Channel and beat it!  It's just plain GREAT!

  6. yes'em a true classic

  7. It's the best zelda game in my opinion... and one of the best games for N64


    I'm kidding.  I love that game, got it off the Wii Shop channel.

    But it is nerdy.

    C'mon, he wears a skirt!

  9. Yes, my fav tied with super mario 64. that game was an adventure.   ima go play it  now. =]

  10. I think it's  cool, but we don't have it anymore, Wish I did tho. But now I really Twilight Princess:) Its fun:)

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