
Still TTC Just Want Some Answers :)

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Got pregnant first try. Miscarried at 10 weeks. We've been trying for almost five months now. No luck. Severly late periods every time. False alarms like crazy. I've tried to let my guard down and let the stress go, and let it happen naturally because the first two months I was a tyrant in bed over getting pregnant. Now I've had some slight nausea the past week. Two more days til AF tho. Slight breast soreness, usually get really sore b*****s around my period tho. Just want some stories if anyone else has similiar stories of successfully conceiving. Or just some baby dust for me! :)




  1. Here's lots of baby dust to you!

    I had no problems at all TTC#1, now DH and I are ready for #2, but have been trying unsuccessfully since April.  I wish I knew what the deal was.

    Good luck.

    Hang in there!

  2. I thought that I was pregnant and wasn't after I had a 35 day cycle. Then next month on day 35 I thought here we go again. Turned out I was pregnant. When I was TTC the first time I thought I had symptoms that weren't real and then when they were I didn't notice them.

    Good luck, I'm the false alarm queen TTC #2.

  3. I was pregnant early 2007, miscarried and went through a looong wait before getting pregnant again in May 2008. I truly know how u feel. Its hope & anxiety all rolled into one. The best I can say to you is take it easy. Don't make s*x a chore. There was a period when I didn't even want my husband to touch me cos I felt 'what was the point?'. That was my lowest moment & how I made him so worried with my mood swings. Thank God he is a patient man, understanding, consoling & comforting. With love, faith & a lot of hope, we are now 15wks pregnant with baby looking good.

    I wish u the best. Good Luck! :)

  4. Much baby dust to you. My husband and I have been ttc for 8 months now with no luck. I know how frustrating it can be!


  5. Best of luck to you! I have been ttc for 2 years, I have false alarms all the time and i am still waiting on the day i become pregnant again. I had a miscarriage too and it and still is the hardest thing i have ever gone through.  

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