
Still Trying...some advice and opinions please!?

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Ok so we have been TTC since like October or November of last year and still no luck. ive thought a few times i was but it was just a false hope. well this time it wasnt just me that thought i was it was him too and a few friends thought i was. i was waiting to take a test to see if my period would come and i was supposed to start on the 21st but i started bleeding early on Thursday the 14th ((at night)) and today is the 17th 3 days later and its stopped and normally my periods last a whole, my ? is i guess is there a possible chance that i still could be and how good is the chance? anyone experience this and found out they were pregnant?




  1. If you actually bleed a lot like a regular period for more than 1 or 2 days, then you're probably not pregnant.  However, if it was just really light spotting, then it might have been implantation bleeding.  Whatever you do, don't give up.  You might want to "stop trying" for a few months.  As in .. just don't think about it and let whatever happens, happen.  And then, if you still don't get pregnant by November, go and see a doctor or fertility specialist that can give you some advice or meds or something.

  2. my hubby even took a s***n analysis after 4 years of us trying, and they said our only option was in vitro or icsi . i bought him mega man sport vitamins and fertility blend for men from gnc, and the next month we were pregnant. we are now 13 weeks

    keep your head up, try eveything inexpensive b4 paying so much or giving up

    god bless you !

  3. I went through the same exact thing I know how it feels when u wanna see two lines but only one show up. It hurts... But you maybe, the last time i found out i was pregnant it didnt show up until i was 5 weeks and at 3-4 weeks it was showing negative, soo good luck to you, and usually when u give up and dont think about it, thats when it happens, that had happened to me before too.

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