
Still a third world country?

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Does Jamaica have running water or toilet ? I remember going outside to use pit toilet and to bathe outside. Do they also have telephone because I dont remember anyone having one.




  1. But see yah mi rass, nuh wandah yuh nuh ave nuh name, ongli ah no name, no nation, fly-b-day, pitch-b-nite, katch pon yei top, ole f**t, wud be sayin somting laka dat.

    May I shed a little light on you now, oh nymph of darkness, for decades we've been utilizing sanitary conveniences that are equal and sometimes better than those of developed countries.

    On the matter of telephones, we close to half of a dozen telecommunication providers. Almost all Jamaicans posesses one, two, three or more state of the art cellular phones, to call, anyone, anywhere, anytime anyhow.

    Now why de rass me taakin to yuh is beyond me, wen me queen ina de jacuzzi wid warm water bubbling all ova har (oopse my bizniss dat), an sweet smellin cangle roun har like we ago wuk obeyah, ah wait pon me? ah gone, caan wayse nuh moe time wid rass eediot.

  2. you've gotta be kidding me. How long have you been abroad?

  3. Just land at Norman Manley or Sangster Airport then you will know the progress Jamaica made. The airport is so modernize that people who left Jamaica in a year and come back wont recognize it.

  4. My youth ya need fi link up a Jamaica fast !

    A weh ya deh ? Jamaica have every ting !

    It all depends on where you live and what you can afford. But Jamaica have it !

    ☆ Mixed Curly Fries ☆


    (='.'=) ♥


  5. Hey you are a big joker you know.That was really a good one.I travel and Jamaica is leaps and bounds ahead of a lot of countries,we are right up there with any first world country.When I visit places like America I can't wait to get back home.Some of us actually live better lives than a lot of people in first world countries.You need to take a trip down here and see whats going on,better yet stay where you are because you might actually have a heart attack when you see the development going on here.Yes we have our problems but every country in the world has problems but it's still a good place to live,all you have to do is have some money and life nice.

  6. Thats what they say, but i doubt it. The lifestyle of Jamaican people is above what any "third world " country has. The only problem is with the crime.

    But that societ for you. Always want to put a label on everyone

  7. Sounds to me like you are waaaaaaaaaay overdue a visit to Jamaica my friend. come to think of it u must be really old. Why not book a vacation and come see the progress we have made so far

  8. What? Are u really a Jamaican? Where did u live..the cockpit country?

  9. the days when pit toilet was in jamaican a wen yuh madda did a nyam out a it dat dey style dey done fah and yes we have running water a must in the 50th century and yes w do have telephone just to tel you what they are cable and wireless, digicel, etc. yuh need to revisit and on that trip go chuck off.

  10. Well if you use running water and flushing toilets as your measuring stick, then the USA is a 3rd world country too!

    There are many areas in the USA where that is all you will get if you need to 'make a move'! Are there places in Jamaica that still use pit latrines and don't have running water? h**l yes. But those places are far from the norm.

    As far as telephones, Jamaica probably has better cellular coverage than the USA...Jamaica is about 98% covered and the missing areas are missing because of incompatible terrain....deep valleys, and gorges with few or no inhabitants and very little technically sufficient access for engineers to put up towers.

    The standard of living in Jamaica has rapidly improved in Jamaica within the last 10 to 20 years, and most of the amenitites you would expect in a first world country are available here.

    Is Jamaica still a 'third world' country by most peoples definitions, the answer is yes.

    We have various industries that appear to be 'booming' but here are a few facts,

    1. The booming celphone industry doesnt bring 'net' profits into the island. It actually costs us foreign exchange. it forces up the cost of living in several ways and makes little or NO balancing contribution to FX earnings.

    2. Other areas that have improved dramatically, such as the access to motor vehicles (without governmental controls othet that simple import duties) that also cost more than they bring into the island. These 'booms' are also just ways to spend more money. In the case of cars, we look more mobile as a society, but are even more dependent on overseas parts and FUEL. So cars cost us more in at least 3 ways. Buy it. Maintain it. fuel it. And again, this 'booming' industry doesn't generally bring in FX even though we can live better. People end up owning a nice car and still cursing the government because they cant afford to pay their children's school fee.

    4. We havent discovered any MAJOR new natural resources such as OIL, GOLD, DIAMONDS, or anything else within the last 20 years that would help us to balance our budget. Tourism is doing well. Entertainment is helping tourism and is also doing well by itself, but Sean Paul and Shaggy revenues are merely 'a drop in the bucket'! Sandals won't even allow you to play a sean paul track in its hotel (for real)...No dancehall music allowed. Thats another story all together!

    6. We are still in the process of building Highway 2000, that will help us to accomodate even more first world investment in the island. The days of taking 5 hours to drive from one end of the island to the other (without traffic) will be GONE forever. This is good for almost every industry (except domestic aviation). HOWEVER, right now the roads COST money. The use of the roads costs more money. Until the investment is actually here (in the way of new hotels, jobs etc), the roads are just an expense on the pockets of Jamaican people. The French people who built it actually got an international loan that is guaranteed by the jamaican govt, and we (Jamaican citizens) are the ones who are paying back the loan with toll fees. The point is that real profits from this 'first world' road network require FURTHER development. For now it just costs money that we arent really making as yet.

    5. For the things WE ARE supposedly making money from, It is possible that if you totally remove profits from drug trafficking that filter into the ecomony (as they do in every economy in this hemisphere), then Jamaica's economy would be worst than limping. We are talking about hundreds of millions of US$ PER YEAR.


    Okay. Now that i have painted a picture of Jamaica, you should clearly understand that you need to come back here and BRING A FLIPPIN' CAMERA.

    Jamaica right now is like watching a baby grow. It is changing rapidly. if you last saw it just a few years ago, you wouldn't recognize it. There are few sicknesses and infections (like the murder rate) but i would think these are because we havnt developed an immunity to certain kinds of problems. "When America sneeze Jamaica ketch flu!". We are more susceptible to the effects of guns and corruption.

    It's not all bad. Its just strange growing pains. I would even suggest that if you are a student studying architecture or anything related to human life or social development, you DEFINATELY SHOULD visit Jamaica and note it. Visit again in 5 years and you will be AMAZED.

  11. When were you last in JA in the '50's?Are you kidding me. Jamaica is way developed more than other "third world countries". There is no limit to what you can do, if you can find it elsewhere you can find it in JA.

    Most people have indoor plumbing unless you live in the country and that is more like a lifestyle issue .

    As for phone evrybody an their mama has a cellphone one of the most diverse phone service in the Caribbean.

    People in JA live sometimes have a better lifestyle in JA than they do living in a "1st world" country.

    I live in NY in a box, leaving behind the comfort of my big comfortable house with a yard to live here!

    You need to make a trip to JA again soon cuz You're out of the loop!

  12. OK,someone call the doctor,we have a derranged senior citizen on our hands!!

    how old are you?'cuz u MUST be ancient.seriously.

    I've been living in jamaica for all my life and it was ALWAYS avoidable for me to do any of that stuff. u ever glimpse through a travel guide or magazine yet!How do think tourists stay here!!??

    man ur pissin me off right badly.i'm not saying anything else.Hope you encounter a Jamaican in whatever country u live in and ask them this same question.Just make sure u have a hospital near by.

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