
Still being contacted by credit agency?

by  |  earlier

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I had and overdraft protection with a bank and it went over by 300.00. I paid this in full and they turned it over to a collection agency. I am now being contacted by them. They are calling 3 to 4 times a day they saidI have to sign the deed to my home over to them before they will stop. Should I change my number? They also said I could go to jail if I dont sign it over I am really scared Should I sign it over to them. They said they had a warrant for my arrest that will be served tomorrow. Please help!




  1. Call them, Tell them you have talked to a credit counsellor and that you are sending them the information they need by mail. And tell them NOT to call you, your employer or your relatives, that you want all contact in writing.

    Then send them a letter with copy of the payment record. Tell them that you have contacted the credit counsellor and don't tell them who.. tell them (all of this is in writing) to stop the harassment. What they are doing is against federal law.

    And DO not sign anything. There is NO debtors jail so forget that part. They are just trying to stress you out. Be polite but be firm. Stop Now, Do NOT call me again, all contact must be in writing. Give them an address to write to. And if they call again go to an attorney for advise. It might be worth a few bucks to stop them. It sounds like they are very aggressive.

    check out the links below especially the one on the fair-debt collection. it will provide a lot of useful information. Good luck. ma

  2. By claiming to have you thrown in jail, this collection agency has violated the Fair Debt Collections Practice Act by threatening to take an action that cannot legally be taken.

    - Debt is a civil, not criminal matter unless fraud is involved.

    - They would not have a warrant for your arrest, that is for law enforcement agencies only. They could file a complaint with the police and the police could then issue a warrant, but that would only happen if fraud took place.

    - Sign over the deed to your home? Yeah, when pigs fly!

    This is either a scam, or a real sleazy collection agency that needs to be put in their place. If you click on my profile you can email me and I'll be happy to help you out with this.

    At the end of the day, these people may be paying YOU!

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