
Still confused about the whole guatemala thing!!?

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so ive said that i want to go to college in guatemala after i do at least a semester here in the united states, im going to be 18 in about a month! and well i found a ticket thats really cheap, i dont know if i should book it now, or would that be bad doing it behind my parents back. my dad is supporting me now!! but my mom has her days which she doesnt and her days when she does! i dont know what to do, what that be wrong buyin the ticket behind their back? and if anyone knows about unversidad Rafael Landivar, please let me know !!




  1. universidad rafael landiva is not the best. there are good universities here depending on what you want to study. If you are interested in something like engineer or social sciences go to universidad del valle; if you are interested in economics go to universidad francisco marroquin; design- universidad del itsmo.

    about your parents, buying the ticket could be a good way to put some pressure on your mom; but you could also waist your money if she won't allow you anyway. you know your parents better than anyone.

  2. Okay confused one, I'm confused by your thought process.  You might want to be admitted to study at a school before buying a ticket to go study there.

    Why would you  study for a semester in the U.S. and then transfer to a university in a 3rd world country?  I'm not being critical of the schools in Guatemala, but they really aren't going to be recognized as good schools anywhere else in the world.  On the other hand, you can take a degree from most U.S. schools and be respected anywhere else in the world.

  3. I think you should do a little more research before buying your tickets. Are you going there to do research on what university to go to?

    Are you In the USA? Are you planning on coming back and work in the USA after you graduate?

    Some of the degrees you get there might not be valid here. You might have to go back to school here before you can practice.

    Find out all that before you decide.

    If you can afford to pay all the bills then just go. If parents are helping with tuition, i would think twice before pulling a stunt like that. My son would have to pay for it himself if he did.

    Good luck!

  4. Well..

    The best universitie in Guatemala is the Universitie of San Carlos.... who is the best in central america....

    But in the USA you have so much future studying in any College

    Please stay there (US) and get a career........

    The education in the US is better than here.......... Im not saying that the education in guatemala is bad it just that the education in US will open more doors for you....

  5. If you are interested in learning spanish for a semester or two, go ahead.  If you want to get your degree here, don't, you would do better in most community colleges in the states; also, Guatemalan univerisities go out of their way to make it almost impossible for you to graduate once you are done

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