
Still confused on what martial arts to join?

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I am 25 and in great shape. I want to join martial arts so bad because I want to take my physical shape to a new level. I also want a new challange for myself. I need to gain more confidence in myself. My question is can anyone please point me in the right direction on a martial arts that is just a body leaning crazy workout? I am thinking more standup type. I see myself flying across the room kicking and throwing punches super fast. That in kind of my visual, but I have no idea what arts style that would be. Any advice please?




  1. Yeah I agree with one of the people who already answered. Capoeira is a good way to go or one of the many Kickboxing styles (American kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savate) are also useful.

    It all depends what you are looking for. Capoeira, though beautiful is mostly useless. I know, I have just started taking it. It's all show, but lots of fun. It also works out muscles that you will never even dream you can use. Even though it looks difficult I have only been at it a week and I am already doing handstands and cartwheels.

    I have also fought kickboxing at the amatuer level and it is intense and will also provide the workout you're looking for but it is a lot more useful in terms of self defense. One thing I will say is if you are looking for self-defense you need to take Krav Maga. Kickboxing of any type is very controlled and can be very very useless against a knife or any other weapons. Unless you take some Muay Thai based weapons classes. Kickboxing is good for getting the feel for battle. If you ever seen someone new to kickboxing or even boxing they totally look dorky. That's because they're glove shy and under pressure by a moving target. Kickboxing is good for teaching your to be quick on your feet.

    My recommendation to you is go with capoeira if you can find a school that does it. If you decide to go with kickboxing go with Muay Thai. They're both extremely intense in different ways. Just make sure you wear head gear when you spar in any kickboxing type of martial arts. You don't really ever get hit in the head with Capoeira. Getting hit in the head is dangerous - I know first hand why.

  2. I've been thinking of doing the same and I'm leaning more towards MMA (mixed martial arts) or Capoeira and Muay Thai (kick-boxing).


    Capoeira involves all the muscles of the body and is unlike most martial arts in that it is rhythmic more like dancing (think Eddie Gordo from Tekken franchise).  There are 2 main styles: Angolan (slower, powerful and more ground based) and Regional/ Brazilian (faster and more acrobatic).  It is possible to mix the two like Eddie Gordo.

    Muay Thai is a fighting style more suited to people of smaller stature.  Most professionals max out at around 150 pounds.  They also tend to be really lean.  The fighting style maximizes damage with direct movements (less wasted effort) and it is not as showy as other styles.  Attacks involve fists, forearms, feet, shin and knees.  The same parts are involved in defense and as a result its easy to counter-attack.  This is also more effective for closed-combat (elbows and knees) and there are grabs (submission) and a few throws.

    MMA fighters often incororate Muay Thai combined with Capoeira.  Others also include Judo.

    Good luck with your training...

  3. Until you actually try it you will be confused.Do a week here a week there a week some where else then decide.You won't learn much in a week but you will get an opportunity to watch advanced students.It will be hard to find all the elements you are looking for but 2 out 3 or 4 out of 5 ain't bad.

  4. it sounds like muay thai, krav maga or jeet kune do will make you happy

  5. The answers above me they were great advice but a couple things they didn't mention was Win Chung Kung Fu or Kyokoshin Karate.For what you described  those would be the best Win Chung is what Bruce Lee R.I.P first did and is all about kicks and striking.Kyokoshin is what Bas Rutten did and what George St.Pierre does it involve heavy striking and is arguably one of the best striking martial arts in the world.The ones the guys above me said Muay Thai and Capoeira are probobly not what you are looking for I will include links to their wiki pages along with wing chun kung fu's and kyokoshin karate's pages also but Muay Thai focus's on fighting out of the clinch position with is a stationed position so you would not be able to get any core or arobic training from it.And Capoeira is dance fighting and is extremely hard to learn , and would not help you in a fight even though I know that isn't your goal it is just kind of a fantasy martial arts.Well best of luck to you and also try some out and fell whats right for you .Hope I helped,good luck.

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