
Still debating this name?

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I'm not pregnant at the moment, I just had twins 2 months ago, but for future reference I really like the name Persephone, but the meaning is awful. It means "to destroy" or "murder". Is this a big enough deal to not use the name? Do you like the name Persephone?




  1. I really don't mean to offend, but personally, I would not want to grow up with the name Persephone. In high school it would be a nightmare. With names like Ryan, Tyler, Sarah etc being the most common Persephone would be pretty out there. I'm not a fan of those names, but something that you do hear but not too often I like. My name's Randi and I just hated it when I was a kid. Because everyone would call me a boy and make comments like "What kind of name is that??" I would just dread introducing my self. But, if you are stuck with the name the meaning doesn't matter at all. Don't let some stranger tell you what's wrong or right. It's the sound of the name. Name your kid what fits don't look into the meaning.


  2. I don't like it.  Is your child meant to be compared with a Greek god?  Idk...

  3. I don't really like that name.  How about Paris??

  4. the meaning sounds horrible.

    and im not too keen on the name even if it meant something sweet.

    sorry i just dont like it.

  5. Persephone as in the greek goddess? Love that name! Great name, but it could be a bad idea to name a baby that because of the meaning.

  6. You shouldn't use that name. Because when the child gets older and they ask "Mommy, why did you choose my name?" You can't say "Because of the meaning." Plus that makes it easier for the kids to laugh at the child.

  7. I agree with the first comment.

    Maybe find a name that sounds similar.  

  8. It's a beautiful name, but I'm sure people would pronounce it wrong (it should be per-SEF-uh-nee, and I'd think that any educated person would pronounce it right, but I hear people say "Percy-phone" all the time) and she'd probably get Stephanie a lot. The meaning of this name is not certain. Most etymologists guess that it is related to the Greek words pertho ("to destroy") and phone ("murder"), but no one is entirely sure, so I wouldn't let the perceived meaning bother you much. I say go ahead and use it. It's a great name for a child born in the spring, because according to Greek mythology, seasons are controlled by Persephone's coming and going to and from the Underworld (where she lived with her husband, Hades), and spring would come whenever she returned.

    Other names you might like:















    Hope I helped!

  9. no not a big fan sorry. sounds quite s****. and old fashioned to me.  

  10. I adore the name Persephone!

    I would never use it for a child, but it's one of those names I love but have no clue why, lol.

    Also, I'm a huge Greek mythology fan, and the story of Persephone and Hades is one of my favorites.

    But if you do use it she'll have to spell out her name constantly and it will always be pronounced 'PER-seff-own' instead of 'per-SEFF-oh-nee'.

    I think it's really pretty, though.

    Good luck!


  11. I really don't like that name, sorry! But the meaning might be a problem, when I was in 5th grade, I had to do a project where we had to look up what our names meant and shared it with the class.

  12. i don't like that name...   personally,  i think its mean to saddle a kid with a name like that...   1> spelling both for the kid and for the people involved.....2>bad  juju {like naming someone Kali, or Beelzebub}

  13. i dont really like that name and the meaning doesnt helpe either

    im sorry!!!

    hope i helped!!

    congrads on twins!!

  14. I actually like the name Persephone, but it probably helps that I know someone by that name. She goes by her full name, no nicknames, and I think it's lovely and different. It is from Greek mythology and I think that's where the name meaning comes from because she was kidnapped by Hades and made the Queen of the underworld because she ate a pomegranite seed and so was forced to stay (as far as I remember of the story, anyway). She might have to tell people how to pronounce it, but I think it's unique in a good way.

  15. NO it sounds awful

  16. I love the name Persephone, I think it's beautiful. I like the meaning.

    In Greek Mythology, I think Persephone was daughter of Demeter, goddess of the earth and abducted by Hades, king of the underworld.

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