
Still fed up over toddler-birthday plans!?

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Nobody, my mum, my husband, other family, will help me decide what to do for my daughters second birthday Saturday nor agree to the things I suggest and I feel really sad that its going to end up being an ordinary day or just me and her (which its ALWAYS just me and her anyways doing stuff). I feel so sad!

My husband, her daddy, especially is frustrating as he didn;t book the day off work so day trips away are not possible as he has to sleep in the evening for work (nights). He won't go swimming and he says my idea of taking her to the movies is silly, but he won;t offer any other ideas.

My mum too is little interested in anything other than maybe dinner out.

My sister is going away for the weekend and is popping in briefly to drop of presents in the morning. And my husbands family have already passed the presents on so won't bother with visiting on the day!

Times ticking and its all a big flop!




  1. OK, so be a strong mom, plan a great day together and enjoy (it's their loss)....she is going to be 2 and isn't going to remember it anyway....

  2. Have an ice cream party. All her little friends, and their parents come over, eat , take pictures, and leave.

  3. Not every birthday is eventful.  Do what you want with your child and leave everyone out of the mix!  Go to the park, have lunch, go to a fishing hole and learn how to fish, swim in the lake.  

    If no one wants to be a part of your party, then so be it.  My family gets together for everyone's birthdays.....but mine, my sister's and my daughters.  January is too busy for the fam, but everyone else gets a party.  Can't help that I am 41, but no one even  called me when I turned 40!

    Let it be your day with your child....Period.

  4. WOW! thats horrible! you'd think that AT LEAST her daddy and grandparents would come celebrate. i'm so sorry.

    well, the park, children's museum, zoo, library, beach, pool, just make it special by having cake/cupcakes and wear birthday hats or something silly. and tell EVERYONE that it's her birthday...she'll love having a big fuss made for her.

    my dd turned 2 last thursday. my dad sent her a silk princess crown and a silk peice of fabric and it arrived on her actual b*day. i let her wear it and we went about our day. i told her she was a birthday princess. just playing dressup like that made her happy. maybe you could do something like that for her

  5. I'm not saying this to be rude, but your daughter is only turning two - she's not going to remember this later on and a 2 year old does not require a huge to-do.  

    Just plan something, and don't ask for anyone's opinions or suggestions.  If they come, great, and if they don't, it will still be special for your daughter.  At two, just getting a cake and blowing out candles, opening some presents, get a few balloons, maybe do a fun, age appropriate craft - your daughter will think she's in heaven.

    Good luck!!

  6. I would just have kids in the neighborhood over. going to the movies at 2 is a little silly kids that young tend to not pay attention. and just have food and fun at your house. espically since your husband will be working.

  7. I'm sorry to hear that, but don't let your family's attitude spoil your daughter's birthday. Just make it a mommy and me day. You could take her out to lunch, have a picnic in the park, or maybe even a teddy bear tea party at home. Also, you could take her to the zoo or just spend the day at home playing together or watching  her favorite DVD.

    Happy 2nd Birthday to her!! :)

  8. SO frustrating for sure! I can totally understand why you'd be so frustrated. You care about your daughter and want all the important people in her life (esp her father) to share in her important day!

    What I would suggest is that you plan a special day for the two of you. You can make her know it's her special day and make a cute them like fairies or angels or princess and dress her up and kinda decorate around the house in the theme too. You can get supplies at a craft store. If you did angel, for instance, you can get batting (stuffing for pillows and such at a craft or fabric store) to make fake "clouds" and put them around in the house and sprinkle glitter on them or those heart glitter confetti on them, etc. You can get her a special "halo" or make one out of ribbons and hoop and glitter, etc and do something fun with her that you think she'd like to do.  Maybe you can bake cookies together, or go get a lil pedicure together or manicure (I am not sure how still she'd sit but it might be fun to try). :-) Just make it something special for you and her to do .. go get icecream, ride a carousel, do something you two enjoy... your husband will feel badly that you both had such a great time when he sees pics you took of it and maybe make a date for the rest of the family to get together for a birthday dinner later on the weekend or something.  At least her birthday day will be fun because you spent it with her doing something fun together! Try not to let the family's lack of interest upset your time with your precious lil gift!

  9. Tell them about how frustrated you are.

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