
Still fuming about the brick lame 400?

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So since all my other posts were flagged because I told the truth and it really got the die hards upset. I think I will keep posting until the die hards realize that it is a open board.

The sport has turned into a joke. They control every move anyone makes and it showed last week. Good year was not to blame but Nascar. They are the ones that sign and dot everything.

I just hope that you have another hobby and can use your #3, #8 #88 or other numbers on your mailbox. They will be useless.

I bet half of you dream of making your own car and probably have started it already. Remember boys, pintos and old monte carlos still look like c**p after you paint them and put your stickers on them.

I still love any sport where a complete geek or skinny lime beam can get a hot chick to marry him. The funniest part is they actually think that the woman wants them for them.





  1. I'm ticked about the crappy tires more than anything. If the tires were better the race wouldn't have been too bad.

  2. Nope, I'm not fuming and I haven't at all. You do realise it's over, don't you?  

  3. im glad jimmie won. hes awesome

  4. I agree. NASCAR has censored so hard, no one can say anything anymore. The drivers have to be "politically correct." The France family has caused the sport to go downhill fast. I like to see improvements but this COT, these rule changes, has cause me to spend my time and money back at the local short dirt tracks.

    This top 35 in points, lucky dog (for safety), final ten races for the championship is a joke.

    Give me 1/4 mile dirt, 1/2 mile dirt winged sprints locally, sit in the pits and drink beer after the races, the drivers settle "things" amongst themselves.

    I'm a fifty year racing fan, quit buying season tickets to MIS (1969-2002) because MIS -NASCAR was requiring we buy for all support races as well.

  5. I have not and probably will not get over Indie because the real problem that they had there is still very much with us.  That is the management of NASCAR and their secrecy and obsession with total control.  I only minimally blame Goodyear.

  6. I totally agree with you. Nascar is a joke and it is rigged.

    I don't care how many fans laugh at me saying it is rigged,

    but it is. It is staged just like WWE!!

  7. You might have better luck keeping it from being reported if you were to ask a question.

    Just some advice..

    Still fuming about the brick lame 400? Nah..I'm a pretty laid back kinda girl, things don't bother me for long. Was it pitiful? Yes. Should it happen again? No. Is nascar to blame? Partially, I see the subliminal questions now.

  8. yes nascar is a joke compared to what it used to be...Or lets say what it is supposed to be...I dream of the old days,when car manufacturers made the cars...When you could buy the same car that the racers ran...These days are long gone and never to return...I still got my DVD collection of races from the old days...

  9. I hate to ruffle your feathers but it looks like they already are. Even though there is a sentence  in the form of a question above the body, that sentence is not intended for seeking knowledge. It basically leads up to the fact that you want to make a statement. A very long statement, which in turn is a rant. Sorry, but it's true. Don't worry though. I am not going to report you. But don't be surprised if it gets removed by a Yahoo employee.

    It is possible that a question could be considered a “rant”, even if it is formatted correctly. Avoid posting questions that are more about declaring your opinions than seeking knowledge.

    And no I'm not still fuming.

  10. No it was the brickyard lame 400 i would say the worst race ever. I dont see how people can compare this race to the Atlanta race earlier this year at least at Atlanta they could run more than 8-10 laps at a time thats not what us NASCAR fans pay to see.

  11. I got over it but you are right it was all Nascar's fault. They need to do a lot more tire testing.

  12. I've cooled down quite a bit.. Pocono's coming up, so I'm gearing towards that.

  13. It is done and over with, get over it.  They had a bad week with tires it can happen hopefully it won't happen again. Lets just move onto the next race.

  14. I don't have a problem with you being pissed at NASCAR's head honchos. You have a right to your opinion. However, I do feel bad for you since you're apparently not able to embrace change.

    What I do have a problem with is that you are STILL fuming about a race that I had absolutely no problem with. Not as bad as the Jr nuts when someone wrecks their driver, but still pretty pathetic.

  15. Everything you say is true ! I live in North Carolina,about an hour or less  from most teams shops, and can't stand to watch what Nascar has done to this sport ! When Big E died I think it started the downhill spiral that has become what we saw last Sunday. There is NO natural talent in nascar anymore, only the rich kids whose parents had enough money to get them to the point where they were seen by the right people. I drove a racecar at a track called Caraway Speedway in Asheboro,NC and saw some talent that would surprise you. But they can't get to the level they need to be at because of the money issue. Tommy Lemons Jr. for one !

  16. lol Go Kurt Busch....i'm a Jeff Gordon fan but i like kurt to and kyle...i think personaly that Jeff should of won the race myself and not jimmie i'm not a fan of jimmie johnson.

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