
Still go without an invitation?

by  |  earlier

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So my fiance's brother's girlfriend is pregnant and is having a baby shower. I have been told by my fiance's brother (aka: father of the child) and by my mother-in-law that I was invited but I have not received an invitation. Should I still go? It seems kind of awkward.




  1. If you're interested, call them and ask if you can mail a gift to the mom to be to the location of the party, maybe then she'll realize you didn't get an invitation.

    If she gives you an address to mail the gift to, then you know you are being excluded for some reason.

  2. I would not go without a invitation. And either should you!

  3. No ma'am . Do not put yourself in an awkward situation by showing up uninvited and then being asked to leave in front of the other party guests.

  4. i don't think you'd be asked to leave and i doubt anyone would say much about it if you went but if you don't feel comfortable going you don't need to go, invited or not. send along a small gift or card, congratulate them and go out with a girlfriend and if asked just say you forgot you had other plans... not the most honest but it avoids hurting anyone's feelings and makes you look good with the family by still giving a small gift.... a onsie or a set of bottles or teething rings would be enough of a gesture. (as opposed to just not going and ignoring the whole situation) or if you are up to going... i'd say you've gotten word of mouth enough to go and if anything you can just hang around with your mother in law. this woman could eventually be your sister in law so make the small painless gestures now and avoid the drama that could come up later if it looks like you just snubed the whole thing :o).

  5. If you are friends with the girlfriend you could go. The father of the baby invited you.

    If you don't know her well I'd skip it.

  6. If I did not receive an invitation then I would not go.

  7. I am wondering if you've even met your brother's girlfriend or not?  But, either way, I would not go and if it's brought up just give the reasons that everyone else is saying:  I didn't receive an invitation and felt awkward showing up.

    If you have met her is there some tension between you and the girlfriend?

    I get the feeling that maybe you aren't sharing everything with us?

  8. If you don't receive an invitation, then you haven't been invited. And if you haven't been invited then it would indeed be very awkward to show up anyways. Consider that the host simply can't manage to accommodate as many people as would like to attend and don't take it personally.

  9. You are soon to be that baby's aunt. Clearly, the child's mother knows who you are--and still felt the need not to personally invite you. If you were set on going, you can still get the baby something and have it taken to the shower. However, I just think her not inviting you is rather rude. On the other hand, if you and her aren't that close she may very well feel awkward asking you to come. That's just something to think about.

  10. No, I would not go.  Men always get these things wrong.  If he gave them the address there may be a reason that you weren't invited or it may be just an informal gathering but still (since you don't know them) it would be very awkward to just show up.  You can, however, send a gift so that they know that you are thinking of them.  They will probably realize their oversight after the fact.

  11. It does not hurt to ask about it. Most people would enjoy others going because they know they will come bearing gifts for the little one. Is your fiance going? If so it would be allright for you to go just make sure you get something for the baby.

  12. My cousin had a baby shower this pass weekend I was not invited I live in a different state and it takes about 3 hours to get there. I normally come out for those things. But since the father's side of the family threw the shower, I guess sending an invite to Cleveland was a waste to them? I didn't go but I did send a gift, both of her sisters told me to come, but I told them I never got an invitation I didn't want to crash. This is how I feel about the situation, if you're not all that close to her then don't go, just send her a gift. Or just call the girl to make sure. Sometimes its hard when the to throw a shower for someone because you never know if you're leaving someone out on the other side of the family.

  13. That's a sticky one. If it were me, I would not attend, but have a great excuse prepared just in case.

  14. don't go unless you get an invite ................. there is still time i hope ..........if you don't know them you may feel a bit lost ...........maybe you and your fiance's girlfriend  could meet for lunch and pass your baby gift then.............and over time you'll meet more of her friends before they get married (if they do ) the end maybe you are invited and it's assumed you'll just be going but I know it's difficult if you don't really know for sure   you can't call her and say "hey where's my invite??!!"           well you could but you know you'll get one but do you want one that way????

    reading your add on's    I would have thought she would have mentioned it to you .............unless she is having 2 showers one for her girlfriends and one for family ...............

  15. Send a gift - or take it yourself, then if your inv. got lost, there will be no wondering why you didn't come.  The mail isn't all that reliable.  Last Christmas, I sent two thank you notes to the same address, one got hers the next day- the other got his 6 weeks later!  I kid you not!

  16. Sure, show up with a nice gift.  It isn't s if they are going to throw you out the door.  Have a nice time.

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