
Still looking for Kristen photos. Anyone have a URL ?

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a pic is worth a thousand words....




  1. kristen who?

  2. Just 22 years old, barely (excuse the pun) out of diapers, and that sleaseball and father of three girls pays her a King's ransom for ....?  

    At least he didn't try to lie, or beat around the bush (excuse that pun, also).

    Don't know or care to see pics, but do know she lives somewhere in my neck of the woods.

  3. You say "still looking" like people were looking to begin with.  Early twenties, 105 pounds, American.  Sounds like she'd blend in anywhere.

  4. If you are talking about the "Kristen" who brought down the governor of NY - here you go.

  5. Typical male reaction.

    That's exactly how Spitzer finds himself in his current situation.

    What is it with males and hookers......

    Believe it or not, you have a brain somewhere north of your beltline.....I suggest you try it out for awhile...

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