
Still no period after this long...?

by Guest21285  |  earlier

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So about a week ago i was really scared of being pregnant so i took a pregnancy test and it came out negative and i was about 10 days late for my period then and now its after the first of the month so i know for sure i missed my period for the month of july completley. I have had headaches, a little nausea but no actual morning sickness, i have been very moody, and i have been feeling sharp pains at night and cramps. The cramps were happening for about a week straight and stopped this past week and came back today. The sharp pains are usually right before i go to bed so it makes it difficult to fall asleep. So even though the test came back negative a week ago should i take another? is there a good possibilty that im pregnant?




  1. I am having the same issue. Although I havnt taken a test yet because im scaried that it might come out neg. and i also have irregular periods so i really don't kno when to test. But try a couple of more times. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  2. it's always possible, only a blood test can tell for sure right now, try your doctor for a blood test :) good luck!! you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice, try

    good luck!

  3. It could just be signs that your period is on the way.  Your period may be off from stress or a number of reasons.  It IS also possible that it's early pregnancy symptoms eventhough you had a negative result from the HPT.  It's been a week, try testing again.  If you are pregnant, the hormones will have increased and be more easily detected.  If again, it comes up negative and still no period.  Go have a blood test and/or see your doctor to find out what's going on.  Sometimes things like this happens, and you can be given something to help your period start if you ARE NOT pregnant.

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