
Still no period!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, something is not right! I was suppose to start my regular cycle onJuly 14th and still nothing! I took a pregnancy test this past weekend on the 26th and it was negative. What else could be going on. And yes, I will make a Dr. appt. but wanted to see if anyone else had something similar happen to them.




  1. When will I know I've missed a period?

    If there's any chance you could be pregnant, don't wait around: see your GP right away.

    This depends on how predictable your periods are. If they always arrive bang on time you'll know within a couple of days. For girls who are less regular it often takes longer to notice.

    If there's any chance you could be pregnant, don't wait around: see your GP right away.

    Does it mean I'm pregnant?

    Not necessarily. Even the most predictable periods can be late. There are other reasons why this might happen.

    But (and here's the important bit) anyone who has had s*x then has a late period needs to know one way or another: Am I pregnant?

    See the I Think I'm Pregnant factfile for advice.

    I've never had s*x: Why else could my period be late?

    If you only started having periods in the last year or so, or your periods are normally irregular, there's nothing unusual about missing periods - even for several months.

    Have you been under a lot of stress? Girls often miss or have late periods around exam time, when they've a lot on their minds, or if they're nervous about something.

    Are you on a strict diet or exercising very heavily? Losing a lot of body fat can make you miss a period. This is a sign you need to eat more or exercise less.

    Girls also sometimes miss periods when they've been ill or taken certain medications.

    What should I do about it?

    If you've never had s*x and you feel well - sit tight. Give it week or so. It'll probably come: Better late than never.

    But if you have had s*x, or you feel at all unwell make that appointment (in confidence) to see your GP.

  2. it could be stress. have you been under stress lately? i missed my period last month and it was 2 weeks late. it was supposed to start on the 25th and it didnt start until 2 weeks later on the 8th of july. but i wasnt pregnant and everything was normal. i would wait until you go to the doctor.

  3. well you could be pregnant it took me until i was 6 weeks to 3 months with my children before a test showed up positive. good luck

  4. It's you are, trying your darndest to get pregnant..and then on Yahoo answers, you see 13 year olds posting dumb questions about how they became pregnant and how they're so scared! *gasp*

    It's almost a joke, really. My husband and I tried to conceive for a while year. Last year around Thanksgiving time, it finally happened. I think it wasn't happening for a whole year because I was stressing so much over it. I kept thinking about the baby. I kept counting days, researching my ovulation charts, reading about all kinds of crazy methods to conceive a child. I had baby on the brain. Finally in November last year, I gave up. I had a move to think about. I had to pack things, clothes, furniture...had to get an apartment, start paying new bills with my husband, make a road trip to our new state..things were hectic and I forgot about baby-making, and somewhere around that time, it happened. I think when you are anticipating a child, your body isn't going to respond only because of how the stress hormones are high even though you don't know it. And this can even put your cycle off. It sucks, really. I have some really helpful sites for you should check them out:

    Find out when you are ovulating:

    Side effects of personal lubricants when TTC:

    Tips for Conceiving:

    Increasing chances of getting pregnant:

    Good luck..I know it's so freakin frustrating...but it will happen. Like I said, we tried for a I'm 37 weeks and almost ready to say Hello to my own little one. I do wish you the best.
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