
Still no sign of AF... when is a good time to retest.?

by  |  earlier

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I took a preggers test on Saturday morning but I think I may of done something wrong, anyways the test was negative and I still have no sign of my aunt flow, toay (technically) makes 9 days late... I have never had a problem getting my period!!! Im 22 and have had the same boyfriend for 4 years now, I recently had to go off my birth control because my health insurance ran out :( . We are VERY sexually active and he "pulled out" (which we all know isn't the most effective method) and still no sign of AF...

I have had a pretty moody couple of weeks , i have had increased blatter activity and my back and brest are swollen but the same thing happens when AF comes to visit (except the pee thing).

the test i took was a first response test...any advice??PLEASE HELP




  1. Well under normal circumstances I would say you sound pregnant, but going off birth control can really mess up your cycle.  Also, I was two weeks late for a period once but not pregnant...stress can do that ( I think I was so stressed because I thought I was pregnant that I made it late!)  Those tests are normally pretty accurate for retesting....go to the Dollar Tree and buy a test there, they work just as well and you can retest as much as you want and not pay near as much.  Good luck to you!

  2. Wait 2-3 days, and take another test first thing in the morning (read instructions to be sure you do it correctly)

    First Response is a good pregnancy test, most of their tests come with 2 or 3 sticks, so thats always good if you need to re test.

  3. get a box with a couple of tests in them test your first morning urine and see what it says

    going off birth control can have an effect on your periods also stressing about not getting it can make it late also....also with an increased bladder actvity have you thought about a bladder infection if all else fails go to your dr and not being mean but if you can affored to go without health insurance (as you said you went off birth control cos your insurance ran out) can you really affored to have a child they are not cheap.

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