
Still not started my periods?

by  |  earlier

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Hey. Im 13 year old.I think i have been having sign that i might start.

Today :

- Headache since 12 o clock lasted around 3 hours.

- Just before p.e i was just sat down and i thought i had pee'd a little but later when I went to the toilet I found it was just discharge. I usually get just a small blob about the size of a 1 pence but today there was more than that. And there was more than usually yesterday too.

Tell me if you think I may start soon thanks x




  1. i was 15 too

    dont worry at least you can't get pregnant...look on the bright side

  2. I wouldn't worry about the fact that you haven't started your period yet because there are some women that don't start their period until like age 16, so you're good.

  3. you my do but you may not. i was 15. don't wish it too soon, they're awful. think yourself lucky.

  4. i started mine when i was 15.

    i was like you, i thought i was late to start them and wanted them to begin.

    but when they did i wished i'd never begun!

    don't want to worry you or anything but they're horrible :|

  5. You may be about to start. There's really no telling. I started when I was at soccer practice with no warning what-so-ever. It wasn't very strong at first though either. You may just beginning to ovulate, which may lead to your period.

  6. you might but you might not...

    trust me you don't want to start its probably the worst thing that has happened to me!!! i started when i was 12 and im 14 now but im already fed up with them

  7. heyyaa hun. i'm 14 and i've just started. when i first started just before i got a sudden belly ache and felt really woosy but now i don't get anything no cramp or nothing. it use to annoy me coz girls in my year said i was weird for not startin haha but you can start as late as 18 believe it or not! x

  8. It's ok that you've not started already. I was 12 when I started, but that's quite early. Most people start around 13-15 anyway. And this maybe a sign, but you never know. It could happen any time :)

    Don't worry about it! x

  9. Your body might be preparing for your period!, but it could still take some time! Dont stress on it thou! it will start when its your time! lol! talk to your mom or someone, maybe she can offer you more advise, being us girl tend to follow are mother period track. or so i'm told!

    Best wishes sweetie!

  10. it sounds like you could be ready to start, but don't be disappointed if you don't.

    all women start their periods at different times. I started at 13 too, so just keep some pads at the ready.

    hope this helps =]

  11. Maybe, don't worry if your not, trust me, you DON'T want to start! Their h**l! Don't wish you days away!

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