
Still the Lord of the Manor?

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The Lord of the manor returned from his grouse hunt quite a bit earlier than expected. He entered the master bedroom to change, and found her Ladyship making passionate love to Sir Reginald Carpley. The irate Lord stood stiffly and loudly berated his wife for her infidelity.

With thunder in his voice, he reminded her that he had taken her from a miserable existence on a local run-down farm, given her a fine home, provided her with servants, expensive clothes and jewels, and almost anything she desired.

By this time the woman was crying inconsolably, his Lordship then turned his wrath on his supposed friend:

"And as for you Reggie -- you might at least have the decency to stop while I'm talking




  1. Who should have decency? having entered into her ladyship's privacy... he the lord of manor should have waited till the 'act' is over and should have started his dialogue.. :))))))) what an indecent soul should this poor lord be? ha ha ha ha ha ::))))))

  2. Ha ha very good. And look, i remembered my caps key this time!

  3. pathetic

  4. cute, have a star.

  5. I say, old chap, that's being a bit harsh on your closest friend, apart from that, bloody hilarious, exquisitely told, old chap...!

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