
:::: Stimuls Check Cashed without My Permission::::?

by  |  earlier

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can a stimulus check be cashed in any way without me actually being the one to cash it?

I ask because ever since i was young my mom has been so greatful to do my taxes online....but as i got older i realized that she has been stealing my tax returns, as well as my sisters...and she is always trying to get that extra dollar all the time..anyway possible.... . so my sister and I our Stimulus check are planned to be delivered to her mailbox, and we know for sure she is going to try and steal them from us...... Im just wondering will she be able to cash them without or permission........ also when i get back from school im going to go into detail about how fcuked up my mother is with us and our money... thank you




  1. If you're in school and live at home when you're not away at school, it seems like you're still eligible to be counted as a dependent. If so, you don't get the stimulus rebate.

    Neither does your mother, by the way, if you're 17 or over. So it seems like the answer to your question is: There won't be any check to cash.

  2. If the check comes in your name there shouldn't  be anyway she can actually cash them. BUT if she if forging your name and writing Pay to The Order of and signing her name and then signing your name she can deposit it all in her bank account. That sucks your mom is that way... my mom was the same way when we were little she would take our birthday money and saving bonds and stuff, we were too little to know the difference. I know how it is to not trust your own mom with your money!  Good Luck!

  3. How old are you?  Did you have enough 2007 income to qualify for the rebate?  Were you claimed as a dependent by your mother?  You may not even be getting a rebate.

  4. That's forgery. Then again your the bread winner you should take care of it yourself.

  5. she can write pay to the order of _______.(her name) and then deposit it in her account if she has one. She will not be able to cash it but she can run it thru her bank account and get the money that way. I would call the goverment on her AS*s

  6. If she can forge your signature she can.  If she cashes it somewhere where they don't ask for ID She might be able to.

  7. If your mother has been taking over your tax preparation, it is likely that she is claiming you as a dependent.  This may in fact be correct, you didn't give enough information to determine that.  

    If she claimed you as a dependent, she likely got more benefit than if she filled out your tax return, had you claim yourself, and then stole your refund check.  With you as a dependent child, she may get Earned Income Credit plus an exemption.  You would not qualify for EIC.

    However, if you know that a stimulus check is coming, be sure to call her up and tell her that you need her to mail it to you right away etc.

    Next year, do your own taxes.    When you entrust your financial matters to anyone, including a relative, you set yourself up to be taken advantage of.

  8. If somebody signs a document - like a check - with your name but without your permission, they have committed the felony called forgery.  If you point this out to her, she may stop.  If she doesn't, you can always report her to the police.

  9. Not legally, but if she just forges your name to it, the bank might accept it.  If she has been taking your refunds by doing that, then she'd probably do the same thing with the stimulus.

    You could report this to the local police and to the IRS.  But it might be better to just take over doing your own tax returns from now on, and showing your school address on your return so the refunds sent there.

    If she claims you as a dependent then you won't GET a stimulus check.

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