
Stimulus was supposed to be mailed on July 11th still nothing, is this normal ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking this for my sister..On the IRS site it said her check would be issued on the 11th of July. I called the hotline for her and it states that her check was mailed on the 11th..It's now the 24th and she has not received anything in the mail yet.She doesn't owe anything or anyone. She received her income tax return without a problem.Her income tax check did come a few days late though, because they had her old address, but it was corrected and she received her refund check at her new address. Could that be the problem eventhough they already sent the tax check to the new address a few months ago ? confused lol..




  1. No, not normal, but you've almost surely hit on the problem - they had her old address. It might have been forwarded - and that can take a long time.  Or, probably more likely, it might have been returned to the IRS as undeliverable - many post offices don't forward government checks even if she put in a change of address.  She needs to contact the IRS with her new address.  She can file form 8822 to change it.

  2. We can't really know what's "normal" because we've never had a stimulus check before.  If they said her check was mailed, it's possible they just went by the date it was supposed to be mailed and didn't really have definitive information.  If she received her refund check at the new address, I wouldn't think that would be a problem, but it would be worth calling the IRS and inquiring about it and mentioning the address issue.  It really would be better if your sister called about her own check.  You can't call and say you are her, and there might be some information they won't divulge to you.  But I still think it's possible it just hasn't arrived yet, and might not have really been mailed on schedule.

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