
Stinging pains in my v****a & feeling of have to pee?

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i am 14 years old. i started getting these stinging pains inside my v****a. i had them for about 3 days then they went away. about a week later i have them again. and now when i pee it burns inside. i dont know why this is happening. i am supposed to get my period soon and i have bleed a very tiny bit. i dont know if this is the start of my period or if this is because of the pains...




  1. You probably have a urinary tract infection. If you pee smells funny and is cloudy then you probably do have a UTI. Tell your mother and get it checked out. My daughter went through the same thing and she had a urinary tract infection really bad. They put her on medication and it cleared up. Somethimes these things happen because you wait to long to pee. But have it checked out as soon as possible. I do not think it is the start of your period.

  2. Classic Urinary Tract Infection symptoms.

    Go to your Dr and get antibiotics and drink LOTS of water.. Not a really comfy place to be..

    Good Luck hope you feel better soon.

  3. Sounds like an UTI (Urinary Tract infection).

    OR possibly an STD (if you are sexually active)

    Either way you will have to see a Physician to get it cleared up.

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